Unraveling Within
Last night, I saw myself in a series that unveiled the struggles of a character, earnestly seeking his path in life. Each attempt to do right seemed to lead him into a deep whole of his own thoughts, creating a mess where good intentions once thrived. It struck a nerve deep within me, for I, too, wear the badge of a hopeless romantic, a socially uneasy soul, trapped in the relentless vortex of overthinking.
Unplanned, my mind dances to its own chaotic tune, leaving me drowning in a sea of solitude and confusion. Insecurity often takes residence in my heart, though I mask it with a facade of cofidence. Rage building up within myself, its origin a mystery to me. Life feels like an endless abyss, where my screams go unheard, and there's nothing substantial to grasp onto.My social awkwardness leaves me bewildered, planting a seed that the world is incomprehensible. I revise my words repeatedly, yet when I open my mouth, they tumble out in a jumble of confusion. It's as if I'm a mere spectator, watching a stranger seize control of my very being.
I yearn to silence the relentless overthinking, for it only drains me and push me futher within the hole. A remedy remains elusive, reason why i'm hidden in the shadows of my tangled thoughts