🧘YogaPetz Ecosystem 🧘
An overview of the @Yogapetz, Keungz boosting, $WELL token, point system & WELL3 platform.
Breakdown of each section ↓
YogaPetz is the primary NFT collection of this ecosystem.
- Minted on Ethereum.
- Max supply is 11,111.
- Four main types - Human, Petz, Chakra & Elf.
- Holders can enjoy all the benefits of the web3 online platform and offline experiences.
YogaPetz ecosystem has two fungible tokens.
- $WELL is the primary token with maximum benefits throughout and will be available on public exchanges.
- $KARMA is the secondary token with fewer benefits and is mostly linked to internal utilities.
YogaPetz is closely linked to the parent company KzLabs. The NFT project is known widely as Keungz and has its own NFT collections.
- Three main collections - Keungz Genesis, Kubz and Ordinal Kubz.
- They are linked to YogaPetz via boosting mechanisms.
YogaPetz has a stake-to-earn system which is known as 'Hatching'.
- Base daily is 10 points.
- Boosted by a combination of both Keungz Genesis & Kubz.
The main product of YogaPetz is the online platform called 'WELL3'.
- Gamified experiences & activities to earn points & tokens.
- Further integrations with IRL experiences, partners, etc. soon.
- More products/services within the ecosystem soon.
YogaPetz $WELL alpha tips:
- Always check for points on the YogaPetz.
- Always check for LAMPZ on the Kubz.
- (Recommend using @itsnotabot to get more info. on above)
- Farming exp/level on WELL3 and do not forget opening the 1x free 'Insight' everyday.
Thank you for reading so far and I hope it helps you better understand the @Yogapetz
ecosystem and mechanisms.
Don't forget to visit my latest bulb blog: https://www.bulbapp.io/p/5ca4d63d-cb68-4813-8c07-1c7885892b0f/what-is-eigenlayer-and-what-does-it-do?s_id=9976bc0f-10f5-4e38-ad04-68ee44c989b8
Special thanks to @Aizcalibur,
via @Aizcalibur