Aching Heart

25 Oct 2024

A heavy heart, a silent plea,
A symphony of pain, unheard, unseen.
My words fall flat, like whispers in the breeze,
My grievances ignored, a hollow scene.

Each effort made, a futile fight,
A tapestry of hope, torn in the night.
The weight of expectation, a crushing blow,
To mend, to yield, to let the anger go.

Why is it always me? The one to adjust,
To understand, to accept, to trust.
A burden of empathy, heavy and cold,
A solitary journey, a story untold.

I long to speak, to break the silence deep,
But fear constricts, my spirit in its keep.
What if I'm weak? Will I be met with scorn?
Will I be judged, a fragile form forlorn?

My soul aches with a deep, unyielding pain,
A yearning for solace, a comforting refrain.
But echoes of indifference, a chilling sound,
A hollow emptiness, on hallowed ground.

The tears I hold, a silent, hidden tide,
Of disappointment, a bitter, stinging pride.
A desperate longing, for a gentle touch,
To feel seen, to feel enough, to feel so much.

The weight of my emotions, a crushing stone,
A fragile vessel, so easily overthrown.
I strive to be strong, to face the bitter fray,
But the cracks within me, show every day.

What if I don't follow, the path they all pave?
Will I be branded a traitor, a fugitive in their wave?
Will my silence be taken as weakness, a sign of defeat?
Or will they finally listen, to the rhythm of my heart's beat?

In this labyrinth of despair, I search for light,
A beacon of understanding, to make my world bright.
A hand to hold, a shoulder to lean,
To break free from this cycle, to start anew, to be seen.

But for now, I linger, a ghost in the mist,
A heart that yearns, for a love that won't desist.
A longing for acceptance, a solace so pure,
To finally be heard, to feel safe and secure.

It's a heavy weight, this turmoil within. I pour it out, not as a complaint, but as a poem, a desperate verse seeking solace. My words, though, seem to fall on deaf ears. No matter how I phrase it, my pain is ignored. I'm drowning in a sea of negativity, each wave a reminder of my perceived futility.

What if I break free from this mold? What if I'm the very source of the strain? Is understanding a luxury I'll never afford? Will anyone truly see my vulnerability, my suffering, my fear of confrontation? Why is it always assumed I'll bend, I'll understand, I'll accept? The burden is relentless, crushing me beneath its weight.

You've come this far. May the Divine Grace be upon you.

If you have some spare time to review my other pieces of writing, I would greatly appreciate your support and I thank you in advance.

Breaking the Mold: How Extracurriculars Helped Me Find My Voice
The Curious Case of the Sleepless Mind
Gratitude for the gifts of Wisdom and Resilience
The Weight of Love
The Music That Whispers Hope
Hair fall: A Whisper of Worry
The Spark Within: How My Teacher's Belief Changed Something
A Battle with Patience: Finding Serenity in a Chaotic World
Revisiting My Past: A Journey of Reflection and Growth

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