Farewell, the unsung Hero

13 Feb 2023

Looking into the world today
To him, life seems distasteful,
Especially when people don't care,
When no one understands him,
And dreams begin to die. Farewell!

Sometimes life may appear grim,
And the future seems so dark.
Sometimes hope may prove futile,
When, with problems you are beset.
But like the sun, you will rise again.Farewell!

Your history maybe blackened by hate
But we will see through the rough lines
And see the dark line obscured by hate
Bringing you back to track, we will.
And your dreams back to life. Farewell

You are a war hero, you are!
Fighting through tunnels of death
Striving through the darkest path
To see yourself go beyond.
Pushing and forging ahead. Farewell

Though you have fallen, far below.
Enduring torrent and beatings of death.
Drinking your vinegar at the cross.
In the hands of hot blazing irons.
But now, all glories are yours brother, farewell

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