What is hydroponics?
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in water without using soil. It is a subset of hydroculture. Land plants can be grown with their own roots in a mineral nutrient solution or in a neutral medium such as perlite, gravel, mineral wool, expanded clay and coconut husk.
The advantages of hydroponic farming are:
- **Saving on water**:
Since no soil is used, it allows water to be used more efficiently.
- **Nutritional Control**:
Thanks to the nutrient solution, the necessary nutrients can be provided directly to the plants. This allows plants to grow faster and produce higher yields.
- **Soilless Cultivation**:
It is possible for soil-related diseases and pests to decrease or disappear.
- **Faster Growth**:
Because plants' roots provide direct access to nutrients, they can grow faster than in traditional agriculture.
- **Space Efficiency**:
Hydroponic systems can be used effectively even in low areas, providing the advantage of farming in limited areas.Hydroponic farming is implemented with different techniques. Plants grown hydroponically in prime media include tomato, pepper, cucumber, lettuce, poppy, and model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana. Hydroponics provides many advantages as well as the good side of farming by using less water. To grow 1 kg of tomatoes, it is necessary to use 400 liters of water in common farming methods; 70 liters of water is sufficient using hydroponics and only 20 liters using aeroponics. In this way, foodstuffs can be grown in environments where there is not enough water due to the lack of water required for production.
Hydroponic farming is a method used to grow plants in a soilless environment. Plants meet the nutrients they need from a nutrient solution specially prepared with the minerals the plant needs, instead of from soil.What plants can be grown hydroponically?
1. **Lettuce**:
One of the plants most suitable for hydroponic growing is lettuce. Lettuce is known for its rapid growth and does well in hydroponic systems.
2. **Tomato**:
In hydroponic systems, tomato plants grow rapidly and high yields are obtained.
3. **Pepper**:
Pepper plants can also be grown successfully in hydroponic systems.
4. **Spinach**:
Spinach provides rapid growth and high yields in hydroponic systems.
5. **Strawberry**:
One of the most popular fruits for hydroponic growing is strawberry. To obtain high yields, hydroponic systems in direct contact with water and nutrients are preferred.
6. **Basil**:
For hydroponic growing, basil is also an ideal option. It has a good root structure to absorb water and nutrients and as a result, it grows rapidly.
7. **Mint**:
Mint plants can also be grown successfully in hydroponic systems. It grows especially well in high humidity environments and can be harvested in a short time.
8. **Parsley**:
Parsley provides rapid growth and high yields in hydroponic systems
These plants are just a few examples of those that produce the best results with hydroponic methods. Hydroponic farming can play an important role in the future in situations where food resources are limited and in areas with a shortage of space.