10 Hilarious Things Done By Children

8 Jul 2024

Children have a unique ability to see the world through an unfiltered lens, often resulting in moments of pure hilarity.

Their innocence, creativity, and lack of social norms lead to some of the funniest and most memorable experiences for parents and onlookers.

This article explores ten hilarious things done by children, highlighting their charm and the joy they bring to everyday life.

1. The Unexpected Haircut

One of the classic scenarios every parent dreads is finding their child with a pair of scissors and a new, self-styled haircut.

Kids often decide to take their hair into their own hands, leading to lopsided bangs, uneven chunks missing, or creative patterns shaved into their heads.

  1. Example: A four-year-old might decide to give their doll a haircut and then think, "Why not me?" The result is a mix of amusement and panic for the parents who find their child with a drastically new look.
  2. Parental Reaction: While the immediate reaction might be one of shock, many parents can't help but laugh at the sheer audacity and creativity of their little one's DIY hairdo.

2. Literal Interpretations

Children take things literally, which can lead to some incredibly funny misunderstandings. Their literal thinking often creates situations where their actions perfectly match their understanding of a statement or instruction, even if it wasn't meant that way.

  1. Example: A parent might tell their child to "keep an eye on the dog." The child, taking this literally, might follow the dog around with their face just inches away, ensuring they are literally keeping an eye on the pet.
  2. Parental Reaction: These moments of literal interpretation are often captured in family stories and photos, becoming cherished memories that highlight a child's straightforward and innocent approach to the world.

3. Fashion Statements

Kids love to express themselves through their clothing choices, often resulting in some hilariously mismatched or seasonally inappropriate outfits.

Their sense of fashion is driven by their love for certain colors, patterns, and characters, rather than practicality or coordination.

  1. Example: A child might insist on wearing their superhero costume to the grocery store or mix a winter hat with a summer dress because both items feature their favorite characters.
  2. Parental Reaction: Parents often let these fashion choices slide, understanding that it's a phase of self-expression and creativity. The photos of these outfits often bring smiles and laughter for years to come.

4. The Honesty Phase

Children are known for their brutal honesty. They haven't yet learned the social nuances of filtering their thoughts, leading to candid and often hilarious observations.

  1. Example: A child might loudly announce in a public place that someone has "a big nose" or question why a person is so tall or short. These comments are never meant to be hurtful but simply reflect their curiosity and honesty.
  2. Parental Reaction: While these moments can be embarrassing, they are also incredibly funny. Parents learn to navigate these situations with grace and often share the stories as examples of their child's unfiltered view of the world.

5. Creative Excuses

When trying to avoid chores or explain away mischief, children come up with some of the most creative and amusing excuses.

Their imaginations run wild, leading to elaborate stories that are both inventive and transparent.

  1. Example: A child might blame their missing homework on a spaceship that landed in the backyard and took it away for analysis. The detail and conviction in their stories can be both impressive and amusing.
  2. Parental Reaction: While parents need to address the behavior, they often can't help but appreciate the creativity involved. These stories become part of the family lore, retold with laughter and fondness.

6. Mispronunciations and New Words

Learning to speak is a journey filled with adorable mispronunciations and the creation of new words.

These linguistic adventures often result in phrases that become part of the family's vocabulary.

  1. Example: A child might call spaghetti "pasketti" or refer to a helicopter as a "hoptycop." These new words are usually a blend of their emerging speech skills and their interpretation of the world around them.
  2. Parental Reaction: Parents cherish these moments, often adopting the child's version of the word for years to come. The charm of these mispronunciations lies in their innocence and the window they provide into a child's developing mind.

7. Unconventional Artwork

Children's artwork is a reflection of their boundless creativity and unique perspective. However, their choice of canvas is not always conventional, leading to some hilarious and unexpected masterpieces.

  1. Example: Walls, furniture, and even the family pet can become a child's canvas when inspiration strikes. Parents might find a mural on the living room wall or a cat with rainbow-colored fur.
  2. Parental Reaction: While these moments require a bit of cleanup, the sheer creativity and enthusiasm behind the artwork often elicit laughter and admiration. Many parents preserve these early artistic endeavors as cherished mementos.

8. Hiding in Plain Sight

Playing hide and seek with children can be an exercise in hilarity. Their understanding of hiding often involves simply covering their eyes or crouching behind a transparent object, convinced they are completely invisible.

  1. Example: A child might hide by standing in the middle of the room with a blanket over their head, believing that if they can't see you, you can't see them.
  2. Parental Reaction: Parents play along, enjoying the innocence and creativity of their child's hiding spots. These moments are often captured on camera and shared with friends and family for a good laugh.

9. Surprise Gifts

Children love to give gifts, often presenting parents with the most unexpected items. These gifts, ranging from a handful of dandelions to a rock they found outside, are given with genuine affection and pride.

  1. Example: A child might present their parent with a "treasure" they found in the yard, such as a worm or an oddly shaped twig, convinced it will bring immense joy.
  2. Parental Reaction: Parents accept these gifts with gratitude, understanding the thought and love behind them. The innocence and sincerity of these offerings often bring laughter and warmth.

10. Imitating Adults

Children love to mimic the adults around them, often leading to some hilarious and endearing moments.

Their attempts to replicate adult behavior can be spot-on or wildly exaggerated, providing a humorous reflection of themselves.

  1. Example: A child might put on their parent's shoes and attempt to walk around the house or use a toy phone to have a "serious" conversation, complete with gestures and expressions they've observed.
  2. Parental Reaction: These imitations provide parents with both amusement and insight into how their children perceive them. The mimicry often leads to laughter and an appreciation of the child's observational skills.


The hilarious things children do are a testament to their creativity, honesty, and unfiltered view of the world. These moments, while sometimes challenging in the moment, become cherished memories that bring joy and laughter to families. Embracing and celebrating the humor in these experiences enriches the parenting journey and creates a treasure trove of stories to share for years to come.


  1. Child Development Institute: Understanding Child Behavior
  2. National Institute of Health: Language Development in Children
  3. How to Deal With Temper Tantrums - Verywell Family
  4. The Role of Play in Child Development

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