The Power of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

31 Jan 2024

A cup of tea, a room hot or cold depending on the season, a comfortable bed and soft music in your ears. Can life be better than this? Surely your answer will be, β€œNo”
Now stop for a minute and think… if life continues like this, can life be worse than this? Surely this time also your answer will be, β€œNo”. It all feels good for a while. But if we have to live like this then it is very painful. Why is it? Yes, because there is no development, no possibility, no adventure in this life.

Remember, when in childhood we used to go to the fair holding the fingers of our parents, it was a lot of fun to ride on the roller coaster. Sometimes up, very high and sometimes down, very low. Where is the fun in walking evenly on the ground? But as we grow up, we start locking ourselves in the box.

" We can't do this, we can't do that. Then, getting bored with the monotonous life, they keep blaming God in the kitchen. He has given everything to his neighbor but in our destiny… "

You must have heard this saying, β€œWhenever God gives, he tears the roof.” β€œBut just think, if your roof is small then what even poor God will be able to do. Here by thatching I do not mean the roof of a hut or a palace but rather the thinking. What I mean to say is that if you think small or refuse to make any changes, you will not be able to progress in life.

It has also been said that β€œchange is the only constant.”

Still, many people will talk big but will not accept even the slightest change in their lives. Such people lose every opportunity due to their inability to accept new circumstances. Then they become surrounded by despair and depression. Have you ever wondered why this happens? The only reason behind this is their comfort zone.

-> What is this comfort zone?

Any person's rejection of change simply means that he wants to follow the established path, which we generally call comfort zone. We get so used to living in it that we don't even think about anything else. This comfort zone is a small circle of limited thinking that we have drawn around ourselves. Our attachment to such a narrow scope adds fear to our resolutions. We are afraid to accept anything outside this scope.

In reality, comfort zone is a special mental state. We are so badly stuck in it in our everyday life that when we stay inside it, we do not experience any deep feeling of excitement...neither enthusiasm, nor Neither enthusiasm, nor passion, nor love, nor attachment, nor fear, nor anxiety, nor sorrow, nor happiness. Everything mechanical.

Woke up in the morning, brushed teeth, had breakfast, went to office, did routine work, came home, watched TV while eating and slept. Or in other words, life passes in a pattern. Therefore the stress level remains very low. Because whenever we think, want to do something new or feel any of the above emotions deeply, our stress level increases.

-> How is this comfort zone created?

A small child always wants to do something new, wants to do every task in a different way. Immediately, parents interrupt – No, they don't do that. When we go to school, the teacher stops us, we don't do that. Elder brothers and sisters tell him what is right and what is wrong, this continues throughout his life. The child starts doing what others say because he is afraid from within that if he does not do what he is told then he will seem isolated and awkward in the society and people will evaluate him negatively. He becomes afraid of being rejected by Sama.

Sometimes parents and teachers put pressure on the child by hitting and punishing him to get his point across. Gradually the child starts following the rules made by the society. To some extent it is also true that in this way he becomes a socially accepted citizen. But the same child grows up and is afraid of doing anything new for fear of being rejected by the society.

Papa has said that I want to become a doctor…. So it has to become. Even if you feel like becoming an artist. Marriage has to be done as per mother's choice, even if you have to forget the girl/boy you like for the whole life.

Feelings of doing something new or doing something of one's own free will are brutally suppressed because the fear of what people will say dominates the mind.

-> Why break the comfort zone?

Because only then can you find out your true value… because only then can you recognize the immense possibilities hidden within you. Just imagine, if a river just moved in a straight line for its own comfort, would it ever be able to reach the ocean? No, that is why it cuts the stone wherever it can, changes the direction of the current where it cannot be cut, and if it feels the need, flows a little in the opposite direction after seeing a favorable place and takes the right direction back. The river teaches us to break our comfort zone and move forward in every situation in every way… to reach our goal.

-> Benefits of breaking the comfort zone

1.)Your work efficiency increases.

2.)When something new suddenly happens in life, you easily adapt to it.

3.)If you want to do something new in future then you can do it easily

4.)You can increase your creativity easily

5.)The most important thing is that you don't live your life.

-> Why is it difficult to break the comfort zone: An important experiment

A very famous experiment was conducted regarding comfort zone. It was found that when we work while staying in the comfort zone, our stress level remains normal. This can also be called minimum anxiety level. In this we live comfortably. If we increase the level of stress a little to come out of it, our performance improves. This place is just outside our comfort zone, which is called maximum anxiety level. That means our body can easily tolerate this much stress. Our best performance remains in this. After this, if the stress level increases then the performance decreases. When anxiety increases beyond one level, performance becomes zero. The thing to understand here is that every human being naturally wants to remain in zero stress level.

If you increase the stress level a little, performance will improve and results will be positive. But if you suddenly increase the stress level, the results will be negative. It happens with most of the people that they set very high goals and put all their strength together but are not able to bear so much stress. Then they leave the work halfway and come back to their comfort zone. That is why it is very difficult to break the comfort zone.

-> How to break the comfort zone?

It is clear from the above experiment that if you have made a very serious habit of living life in a particular way, then it simply means that you are trapped in your comfort zone. If fate changes and suddenly you If you get an opportunity to do something new or better in life, you will not be able to do it. Your anxiety level will increase so much that you will not be able to tolerate the stress and will come back to your comfort zone.

You must have seen such examples that many times, after getting a job in another city, children who were completely comfortable at home leave their job and come back, or girls who were brought up in their parents' home are not able to bear the work pressure in their in-laws' house. necessary to adapt to life
You keep expanding your comfort zone. There are some ways by which you can easily come out of your comfort zone. Let's see these.

-> Take small steps

There is a need to break the big task into small pieces and move forward gradually increasing the stress level. This will keep your comfort zone expanding. For example, if you feel hesitant in talking to people, then just say hello with a smile the first time you meet, and next time say one or two lines. To come out of the comfort zone, it is important that you recognize your fears and move one step every day towards removing them.

-> Sometimes do things differently

Do your daily tasks differently. Many people become so used to their pillow that they cannot sleep without it. So sometimes sleep in another room. Go to office by a different route. Shop from a shop you have never shopped with before. Vow not to eat a particular thing for a week or cook something differently. Gradually you will find that you will not feel much difficulty in adopting new situations.

-> Decision rule in two minutes

If you take a decision after assessing the circumstances for a long time, then often you are not able to take the decision. Your comfort zone leaves you in a state of indecision and you are left behind in the race for success. Which vegetable will be cooked today… think in two minutes. Decide in two minutes which of the two shirts to take, decide in two minutes which new path to take. With this you will assess the entire situation within 2 minutes and your brain will work faster.

-> Go see new places

Strange city, strange country, strange people. When you go to visit another city, you have to make many adaptations like to the weather, climate, food and drink. When you go to other cities again and again, your comfort zone is completely destroyed and on top of that, when you return, you come back with a lot of experiences. That means one gets one free. isn't it funny.

-> Learn something new

There is so much knowledge in the world, if you keep busy doing the same tasks at office or home every day, you will get trapped in the comfort zone. Learn something new. Read books on new subjects, learn a new language, driving a car, photography, anything but always keep learning something new. Then see how the track of your monotonous life changes.

So are you ready to break the chains of your comfort zone? Are you ready to grow and realize your potential… so why not start the transformation today!




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