Introduction to Physiological Psychology 1

17 Mar 2024

Physiological psychology according to Carlson (2013) is the study of human behavior through Physiological impact. Doctors do not normally do much of this sort of research on humans because the effects on the subject can be unpredictable, even damaging, but non-human subjects are subjected to various types of stimuli and biological manipulation, while doctors observe the resulting behaviour. This approach lends a highly empirical (observation-based) aspect to behavioural science and springs from the idea that human consciousness is nothing more than the result of nervous system activity.
Scientists of their discipline tend to support the view that you are aware of yourself and your surroundings only because the neural signals racing around in your body and brain are making you aware. They feel that there is no soul or spirit behind the mind; it is merely a physiological phenomenon.
Whether you believe that or not, physiological psychology is a very practical approach toward learning about how the brain and nervous system work and how our immediate environment affects our behaviour.

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