Hole in Heart Part-2

6 Sept 2022

5 early signs of a hole in the heart:

1. The body temperature of the baby is always high. Sometimes shivering can be seen even in summer.
2. Milkfeed baby crying or feeling short of breath
3. Sudden sweating or feeling unexplained tiredness
4. Frequent lung infections
5. Slow Weight Gain
6. Turning blue around the lips or yellowing of the body
7. Shortness of breath or baby being uncomfortable while speaking
What to do if a hole is detected in the heart?
If you see the above-mentioned symptoms in your child then you must visit the doctor without delay. Many children have congenital heart defects and fail to seek treatment at the right time due to lack of awareness. Hence, parents should keep an eye on the symptoms and opt for tests recommended by the doctor. The doctor can perform surgery on the child in such a situation. Which may take from a few weeks to months.

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