A thousand ways to lie

4 Jul 2022

Let's face it, we're all liars, though some of us are more creative.
So I'll tell you few things I've said before and hope I don't regret this.

"Ohh my gosh, I can't hear you, my network is really bad"
I just couldn't tell you I'm bored by you but I wish I had.

I tell you "I'm almost there" when I'm reluctant to get out of bed.
Probably busy, going through thoughts filling up my head.

I say "It's so great to see you" while putting on a fake smile.
If I tell you what I mean, your happiness won't last for a while.

"Sorry I didn't see your call, I'm really busy here in Tokyo"
By now you should know I'm lying because I'm a real life Pinocchio.

I use "I've got plans on that day" to get out of chances to meet new faces.
Just because I feel uncomfortable in a crowd so I avoid new places.

When the words I let out are hurting and too true, I say "I'm just kidding"
Don't judge me, we all tell lies that are sometimes misleading.

I skipped classes back in school and when summoned, I blamed sicknesses.
I keep promising to read your pamphlets when given. I'm sorry Jehovah witnesses.

And this happens to be my favorite, it stands out from other lies;

"I don't love you" why?, because you won't believe me if I told you otherwise.

Jude Umoren, 'A thousand ways to lie' (online, 2020) <https://judeumoren.blogspot.com/2020/01/a-thousand-ways-to-lie.html?m=1>.

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