How To Control Your Mind !

20 Feb 2024

Hello friends, today I will tell you how you can bring your mind under your control with the help of some simple methods, I will explain it to you in detail, so read it carefully.

How to Control Your Mind :-

You woke up one morning. As soon as you wake up, you start hearing strange sounds and only you are able to hear those sounds and you can see some people. If you see any such person, you will call him mad. But you know this is what your mind does every moment, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Opinions, Decisions, what will it be like if this happens! What will happen if this does not happen? Some thoughts about right-wrong, good-bad keep running in the mind.

Thoughts of competition prevail in business, thoughts of communication prevail in relationships, thoughts of elevation in career and if you are alone, thoughts of imagination prevail.

Our mind keeps running without stopping, we call it compulsive thinking and this becomes the cause of our stress, our problems, our sadness.

Should I speak or not? If I say it, it will be a joke, how everyone will laugh! Last time also something wrong had come out of my mouth. Son, the result is about to come, what if the marks are less? And what if it spreads? Family's reaction! What will happen to my career? Man I'm not worth it!!!

And sometimes there are some things which we do not want to think about, we want to run away from some thought, I will not think like this, but like filling a balloon with air in a bucket of water, no matter how much medicine we take, it will go up. Will come. The same thing happens with us.

Okay, tell me one thing, will you eat whatever is put in your plate? Lemon should be mixed in milk and given, cheese should be mixed in coke, garbage should be given in your plate. Hey, if you eat anything, your stomach will get upset, there will be a terrible mess inside. And we have been doing the same thing since childhood. Whatever thoughts were given to us, we considered them a part of our life.

Our parents, our relatives, our friends, school environment, whatever was served to us, whether good or bad, we took it and from there came our fear, our confidence, our religious and political views, the reasons for our happiness and our sorrow and some of these Thoughts make terrible messes inside us. Because of which we become sad easily and get upset over small things.

Now because you are hearing voices, your family members are taking you to the doctor, but the person driving the car does not know how to drive well, the car is not going anywhere.

Just like if you want to drive a car well then you have to understand it, similarly if you want to drive the mind well then you have to understand it too. You might feel that whatever is going on in your mind is your voice. But the truth is that they are not your voice, they are the results of thousands and lakhs of thoughts put in your mind.

Many of these things have no relation to your current moment. Many things are programmed by the negativity of your past. They have nothing to do with you today.

Your mind shows you a wrong view of the future based on your past experiences. It causes harm to your present on the basis of your past.

Now you have reached the doctor. When the doctor starts examining you, he puts headphones on you instead of a stethoscope, you will not feel right because headphones are not made for this. Similarly, your mind is not made to be sad, your mind is made to be happy, to live a good life.

Some tips to control your mind :-

Just think for 30 seconds about what you are thinking in your mind right now! Try to observe your thoughts. Similarly, try doing this several times today. Look at the noise going on in your mind, try to listen to the noise.

When you observe, you will understand how your thoughts flow. How are the balls bouncing? Many times you will see a train of thoughts. Like finish making this report, send an email, read that project. Look at its pattern, you don't have to flow with your thoughts, you don't have to be emotional. Those thoughts are not you, you do not have to engage with them, do not debate, do not have any arguments. You just have to observe your thoughts.

Initially you will be able to do it only for a few seconds. Meaning, initially you will be able to observe the thoughts going on inside your mind only for a few seconds. Then you will be swept away. Gradually this observation will increase with practice. Then you will be able to do it for a few minutes and keep increasing it.

Just like the sound of an ocean sounds like a sound to you. But if you listen to it carefully, you will hear many voices, many sounds inside it.

When you listen to what is going on in your mind, you will see many voices behind one thought. You will see how you have created beliefs about yourself, how you have thought about yourself. Where did it come from? There are many deeply rooted beliefs that are harming you. When you start doubting yourself, when you start being afraid of many things, you will understand that many things have come from the past, many things have come from childhood.

Man, I was a kid! It's okay, I'm older now. He was also a child when he was speaking. Why am I holding it close to my heart? That was my past, it is not mine today. You will be able to create many new beliefs about yourself. You will be able to change your thinking about yourself.

Everything starts with thinking, thinking only makes you a better person and thinking only sinks you. β€œIf you have understood your thinking, then understand that you have understood your life.”

When you understand your thinking then :-

β€’ You will be able to explore many new angles of life.

β€’ You will not waste the energy of your mind and will be able to focus more.

β€’ You will be able to sharpen your mind.

β€’ You will be able to take better decisions.

β€’ You will not stop when problems arise, you will be able to face problems with courage.

β€’ You will be happier.

β€’ You will be able to live life openly.

β€’ You will be able to bring peace in life.

So friends, have you come to know how by understanding the thoughts inside your mind, you will be able to control your mind as per your wish? If you have any question or suggestion and how did you like these mind control tips, please let me know by commenting below. And do share these mind control tips with your friends.

Thank you very much for your valuable time.

Wish You All The Very Best.

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