Wallet offers Replay Protection and a BSV Extraction Tool for its users.
A Successful Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Network Upgrade
On November 15th 2018, the Bitcoin Cash network upgrade resulted in two separate chains: BCH and BSV. This upgrade included CTOR and other protocol upgrades to improve on-chain scalability, making BCH more suitable to be used as a global, peer-to-peer digital currency. This upgrade also offers new tools for the developer community, to create a strong ecosystem.
We monitored the hard fork, and as announced, the Wallet paused all BCH transactions, as there is no replay protection on the BSV chain. We re-enabled BCH transactions after adding a built-in replay protection feature in the Wallet.
If you own some pre-forked BCH, from before the network upgrade, you will now be able to claim the same amount of BSV. Please read further down, the precise steps to be able to extract your BSV (1BCH = 1BSV) with our BSV Extraction Tool.
BSV Extraction Tool for Wallet users
⚠︎ The BSV Extraction Tool is only available on your your computer/laptop browser, do not try this on the mobile app.
In the first part, we will taint your coins to protect your assets from replay attacks, by sending your full BCH Wallet balance back to yourself. This step is mandatory, to enable you to safely extract your BSV. This is a safe procedure, and your funds will remain in your Wallet as a new transaction. In the second part, we will extract your BSV and send it to your BSV address.
Part 1: Gain Replay Protection
- Sign in to your Web Wallet and input your email address and password.
2. Click on the drop down menu, and change the Wallet from Bitcoin (BTC) to the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Wallet.
3. Click on “Continue to export BSV”
4. You are now sending your full BCH balance to yourself to taint your coins, enter your Wallet password and click “OK”.
5. Click on “Continue to SV export”
Part 2: Extract your BSV
- Click the checkbox, confirming you’ve tainted your coins (if not, review to Part 1) and click on “Begin Extraction”.
2. Login to your Wallet and input your email address and password
3. Change your Wallet from Bitcoin (BTC) to the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Wallet
4. Wait for the Discovering process to scan your Wallet (This might take some time)5. Enter the address where you wish to send your BSV — ⚠︎ Make sure this address is able to receive BSV. The Wallet does not offer support for using BSV.
6. Click on “Broadcast Transaction via SPV Bridge” and “OK”
“The community has come together stronger than before the protocol upgrade, and we hope to continue to foster this collaborative environment as we work together to make Bitcoin Cash the best money the world has ever seen.” — Bitcoin ABC
Don’t have a Wallet and you want to use our BSV extraction tool?
If you are not already a Wallet user, and you wish to claim your BSV now please Import your External Wallet to the Wallet to claim your BSV today!
How to import your External Wallet into the Wallet:
- Create a Web Wallet (The “Import External Wallet” tool is only available on web)
- Switch the Wallet from Bitcoin (BTC) to Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and click on Settings > Tool > Import External Wallet
3. Choose to import your BCH from either a:
- BIP44 Compatible Wallet and enter your Backup phrase
- Simple Private Key format and enter your WIF format of private key.
4. Press Next. The tool will now search for positive balances in your wallet.
5. You are now able to taint your coins and use our BSV Extraction tool.
6. You can now send your BSV to a wallet address or exchange address that supports transactions with BSV. The wallet does not support BSV transactions for users.
Be prudent
The prices of BCH and BSV may fluctuate drastically, please evaluate and invest wisely based on your risk tolerance and financial resources. In addition, do not accept or trust any “free giveaways” and stay extra vigilant about impersonators.
Contact our support team for any inquiries:
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