Reflections of the Soul

17 Aug 2024

In quiet moments, I sit and ponder
On the journey of life, and all its wonder I reflect on the paths I've chosen to take
And the lessons learned, for my own sake

The mirror of my mind, a window to the past
Reveals the triumphs and the struggles that will last
I see the faces of loved ones, and the memories we've made
And the moments that shaped me, in joy and in shade

In reflection, I find solace and peace
A chance to recharge, and my soul release
From the chaos of the world, I step aside
And let the stillness, be my guide

I reflect on my dreams, and the goals I've set
And the progress made, and the work I've not met I see the strengths and weaknesses, that make me whole And the areas where I need to grow, and take control

Reflection is a gift, that helps me grow 
A tool to navigate, the twists and turns
I know It's a reminder of where I've been, and where I'm going
And the wisdom gained, from the journey I'm showing
So I'll take a moment, to reflect each day
To look within, and find my way For in the stillness, I'll discover my truth
And the reflection of my soul, will shine with youth.

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