5 Things That You Definitely Should NOT Do in China

18 Dec 2023

Image- anakeseenadee

China is a fascinating country with a rich culture and history, but it also has some rules and customs that may be unfamiliar or even shocking to foreigners. If you are planning to visit China, you should be aware of some of the things that you definitely should not do there, or you may risk offending the locals, getting into trouble, or even breaking the law.

Image- N-PORT

📌Here are five of the most important things to avoid doing in China.

1.Do not disrespect the national symbols

China is a very patriotic country, and the Chinese people are proud of their national symbols, such as the flag, the anthem, and the emblem. You should never disrespect these symbols, or you may face serious consequences.

📌For example, you should not wear the flag as a clothing item, or use it as a decoration. You should also not play or sing the national anthem in a casual or mocking way, or use it as a ringtone. You should also not deface or damage the national emblem, which is displayed on public buildings and official documents. If you do any of these things, you may be accused of insulting the nation, and you may face legal penalties, such as fines, detention, or even imprisonment.

2.Do not talk about sensitive topics🤐

China is a country with a complex political and social situation, and there are some topics that are considered sensitive or taboo by the government and the public. You should avoid talking about these topics, especially with strangers, or you may cause trouble for yourself and others.

Image- PauDlDesigns

📌Some of the topics that you should not talk about include:

  • The status of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, and Xinjiang, are regions that have disputes or conflicts with the central government.
  • The human rights situation, such as the treatment of ethnic minorities, religious groups, dissidents, and activists.
  • The historical events, such as the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square protests, and the Opium Wars.
  • Political leaders, such as Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Xi Jinping, have different reputations and opinions among the people.
  • The territorial disputes, such as the South China Sea, the Diaoyu Islands, and the border with India, which are sources of tension and conflict with neighboring countries.

If you talk about these topics, you may offend or anger people who have different views or loyalties, or you may attract the attention of the authorities, who may monitor, censor, or punish you for spreading rumors, inciting subversion, or endangering national security.

3.Do not waste food 🍽️

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China is a country that values food and respects the farmers who produce it. The Chinese people have a tradition of being frugal and saving food, especially after experiencing famine and poverty in the past. You should not waste food in China, or you may be seen as rude, ignorant, or wasteful. For example, you should not order more food than you can eat, or leave a lot of food on your plate. You should also not throw away food that is still edible or refuse to eat food that is offered to you. You should also not criticize or complain about the food that you are served, or compare it unfavorably with the food from your own country. If you do any of these things, you may offend or hurt the feelings of the people who cooked or shared the food with you, or you may violate the national campaign of "Clean Plate", which aims to reduce food waste and promote food security.

4.Do not violate the social norms 🙅‍♂️

China is a country that has a lot of social norms and etiquette that govern the behavior and interaction of the people. You should not violate these norms, or you may be seen as impolite, inappropriate, or disrespectful.

Image- Stolk

📌For example, you should not:

  • Spit, litter, or smoke in public places, or you may be fined or scolded by the cleaners, the security guards, or the bystanders.
  • Cut in line, push or shove, or speak loudly in crowded places, or you may be confronted or criticized by the other people who are waiting, queuing, or traveling with you.
  • Show too much affection, such as kissing, hugging, or holding hands, in public places, or you may be stared at or frowned upon by people who are not used to seeing such displays of intimacy.
  • Wear too revealing or inappropriate clothing, such as shorts, skirts, or tank tops, in religious or cultural sites, or you may be refused entry or asked to cover up by the staff or the worshippers.
  • Give or receive gifts that are considered unlucky or offensive, such as clocks, umbrellas, or green hats, which have negative meanings or associations in Chinese culture.

If you violate these norms, you may cause discomfort or annoyance to the people around you, or you may damage your reputation or relationship with them.

5.Do not break the law 🚓

China is a country that has a strict and comprehensive legal system that regulates the rights and obligations of the citizens and the visitors. You should not break the law in China, or you may face severe consequences.

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📌For example, you should not:

  • Possess, use, or sell drugs, which are illegal and punishable by death in China.
  • Drink and drive, which is illegal and punishable by suspension of license, fines, detention, or imprisonment.
  • Gamble, which is illegal and punishable by fines, confiscation of property, detention, or imprisonment.
  • Engage in prostitution, which is illegal and punishable by fines, detention, or deportation.
  • Participate in illegal or unauthorized activities, such as demonstrations, protests, or gatherings, which are illegal and punishable by fines, detention, or deportation.

If you break the law in China, you may not only endanger yourself, but also your family, friends, or colleagues who may be involved or implicated. You may also not receive the same legal protection or assistance as you would in your own country, and you may have to deal with the language barrier, the cultural difference, or the bureaucratic process.

Conclusion 🧧

China is a wonderful country to visit, but it also has some rules and customs that you should follow and respect. If you avoid doing the things that you definitely should not do in China, you will have a better and safer experience, and you will also make a good impression on the Chinese people. You may even learn something new and interesting about Chinese culture and history.

🤔Have you ever visited China or plan to do so in the future? What are some of the things that you would like to do or see there? Let me know in the comments below!


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📌Originally posted on - medium


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