The 24 bus

12 Jun 2023

Welcome aboard, young one; come seat here with the rest of us. Life is like a ride on the number 24 bus.

Let's hope you'll stay on this site for a little longer.
Young one, look out the window and appreciate every single mile.

Young person, enjoy each accomplishment and stop along the path.
Take every sweet, innocent day as an opportunity to be a child again.

Never consider the future or the difficult journey that lies ahead.
Instead, savor every moment, every minute, and every wheel spin.

Young one, don't pace the aisle, waiting for miles to go by.
Until you eventually arrive at the end,
The day that you've truly been working toward is arrived.

When you eventually arrive, it will be the ideal day you have been waiting for.
Perhaps the last day of classes or graduation,

When you get to that station, that's when you'll be happy, so keep moving forward the miles until that joyful day.

Life will start to make sense at that point, and you'll start to prosper.

Or perhaps when you find "the one," when you start a family.
Indeed, when you get in that place, it is the moment to celebrate.

Maybe life won't really begin until you have a family, or is it bad to wish for retirement?

The ride will occasionally be difficult because stops will occur when the people we love will get off; during these moments, we must maintain our composure as we continue without them as they pass the torch on. Yet, they will always be outside the bus; they are never truly gone.

Don't consider tomorrow or worry where the journey will finish as you stare out the front glass at the curved road.

Instead, focus on the colors of today, the various shades of green, and the gorgeous surroundings.

Little one, pay attention to them as they prepare for the journey.
As it arrives at the last station,
this bus won't turn around again.

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