The Big Brother's Watch

21 Jul 2024

In the early morn, when dawn's first light,
Breaks the stillness of the night,
A big brother stands tall and proud,
A guardian, a rock, a love unbowed.

From the moment of your birth, my kin,
I felt a bond deep within.
A promise made in silent prayer,
To guide, protect, always be there.

Through childhood's fields, we'd laugh and play,
Chasing dreams in the light of day.
Your tiny hand in mine would rest,
A simple touch, a heart's bequest.

In summer’s warmth and winter’s chill,
We’d conquer every daunting hill.
Together in our world so vast,
Sharing secrets of the past.

I taught you how to ride a bike,
To catch a ball, to take a hike.
From bandaged knees to bedtime tales,
Your joys, your woes, my heart entails.

When monsters lurked beneath your bed,
With soothing words, your fears I shed.
In darkness, I'd be by your side,
A steadfast shield, your faithful guide.

School days brought their trials anew,
But side by side, we always grew.
With homework, friends, and bullies mean,
In your corner, I was seen.

We shared our dreams, both big and small,
Plans for when we'd conquer all.
You'd look to me with eyes so bright,
Your future filled with pure delight.

Through teenage years, the world expands,
With uncharted seas and shifting sands.
Yet through it all, our bond remained,
Through heartaches, joys, losses gained.

You'd ask for advice on love and life,
Navigating moments of strife.
I'd offer words both wise and true,
For every storm, I'd steer you through.

Now grown, you spread your wings to fly,
Into the vast and open sky.
My heart swells with pride and tears,
As you embark on new frontiers.

But always know, where e'er you go,
This big brother's love will flow.
Through distance, time, through highs and lows,
A connection that forever grows.

For in my heart, you'll always be,
That little one who looked to me.
With wonder, trust, and endless love,
A gift from angels high above.

And as the years keep marching on,
With life's battles fought and won,
I'll stand by you, unwavering, strong,
A big brother's love, a lifelong song.

So, dear sibling, hear my vow,
No matter where or when or how,
This big brother will always care,
In every moment, everywhere.

For being your brother, I've been blessed,
A role that’s filled my heart, no less.
And in the tapestry of our lives,
A thread of love forever thrives.

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