Guideline for Overtake CBT Pass NFT Mint

2 Jul 2024

Guideline for Overtake CBT Pass NFT Mint

💠 Total Supply : 1,500
💠 Price : 10 USDC
💠 Prize Pool : $35,000 ($15,000 USDT + $20,000 in game items & NFTs)
💠 Mint Date : July 2, 2024 / 9:00 UTC+9
💠 Mint Page : LINK

🤯 Nothing prevents you from minting!

✏️ The $35k prize pool for holders of CBT Pass NFT is greater than the $15k total cost of tickets. PERFORM THE Arithmetic. Completed? What's holding you back?

✅ Gudie for Prticipation

🅰️ Section A (If you do not have an Immutable Passport, start here)

1️⃣ Connect Wallet w/ your MetaMask on Overtake: LINK
2️⃣ Click on Your Profile — Account Settings — Immutable Passport “Connect”
3️⃣ Sign Up w/ your Gmail (make sure to allow popups from your browser settings), and Connect!
4️⃣Make sure to add the Immutable zkEVM network to your MetaMask : LINK

Network name: Immutable zkEVM
Chain ID: 13371
Currency symbol: IMX
Block explorer URL (Optional):

🅱️ Part B (Start here if you already have an Immutable Passport)

1️⃣ Prepare 15 USDC (BSC) + BNB for gas fees in MetaMask wallet

💡TIP: Bridge directly from BSC Network to Immutable zkEVM Network on the Immutable Passport Dashboard! Do not bridge first in MetaMask wallet. Just prepare some BNB for gas fees and 15 USDC on the BSC Network.

2️⃣ Go to the Immutable Passport Dashboard and sign in with the Gmail account (Part A, Step 3) you used to create your Immutable Passport : LINK
3️⃣ Click on Bridge (upper right corner) — LayerSwap — Bridge 15 USDC (BSC) into Immutable zkEVM
(Make sure to choose your Immutable Passport as your destination wallet FIRST)
4️⃣ Choose wallet to send funds from (your MetaMask wallet) AT THE END.
5️⃣ Mint CBT Pass : LINK
Get revved for the CBT launch this Thursday, July 4th 🔥
See you then, Overtakers! 🫡

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