How to become Consistent
How to become Consistent 
Consistency is a great characteristic to build and implement in your life. The key to consistency is setting and achieving specific goals. Start by determining how you want to be more consistent in your life, and aim for these small goals. Over time, as you become more consistent, keep yourself motivated and accountable. This may require some change in thinking so that you stay optimistic and productive throughout the process.
1. Consistency allows for measurement.
Until you have tried something new for a period of time and in a consistent manner, you can't decide if it works or not. How do you measure effectiveness if what you are measuring isn't performed consistently?
I typically give new initiatives, processes, and organizational structures at least six months before judging them a success or failure. It's often minor tweaking instead of major overhauls that make the difference.
2. Consistency creates accountability.
I ask my employees to be accountable for their deliverables and goals. They should expect the same in return from my leadership. I put a priority on making time for and being available to my team. I work to establish consistent and recurring meetings when a project or aspect of the business requires attention.
The simple fact that there is a set time to report on progress is often the catalyst that moves an initiative along to a successful end.
3. Consistency establishes your reputation.
Business growth requires a track record of success. You can't establish a track record if you are constantly shifting gears or trying new tactics. Many efforts fail before they get to the finish line, but not because the tactic was flawed or goals weren't clear. The problem is often that the team simply didn't stay the course to achieve the objective.
What are the advantages of being consistent?
When you are consistent the following is true:
- People know what to expect from you.
- You deliver high-quality results.
- You are efficient and have better results.
- You can measure success and progress easier.
- You identify areas of improvement quicker.
- You are more successful in achieving your goals.
5 Areas you should be consistent
It pays to be consistent in the following areas:
Your Personal brand
Your reputation is your biggest asset. Being consistent in how you present yourself in person or online is very important. People may not always get the opportunity to meet you in person first, so it is crucial that you present yourself the same way across all platforms.
Questions to consider
- How do you present yourself in person and on social media?
- Are you consistent with your personal brand?
Your Finances
The proven way to achieve your financial goals is to be consistent. All good financial practices such as budgeting, saving and investing require consistency. You need to commit to doing things over and over again to reap the long-term benefits.
Questions to consider
- Do you save, budget and invest regularly?
- Do you make financial decisions that match your goals?
Your Relationships
To be well-balanced and happy individuals, we need to have healthy relationships. As with all good things, we need to invest in our relationships to gain the benefits they bring. Value your relationships and be consistent in maintaining relationships.
Questions to consider
- Are you a good friend?
- How can you be more consistent in your relationships?
Your Professional life
Be consistent in building a track record of success in your professional life. Your work outputs should have consistent quality. As the outcomes of our work are what people in our professional lives care about the most, it is essential for them to be right. When you work for yourself or own your own business, the need to be consistent is amplified even more.
Questions to consider
- Do you deliver high-quality professional outputs consistently?
- Are you consistent in your business?
Your Personal development
Consistently evaluating your progress and areas of improvement is required to be your best self. Prioritizing your self-development and taking the necessary steps to be where you want to be is a significant commitment to yourself.
Questions to consider
- Do you consistently invest in your personal growth?
- How can you make personal development a priority?
How can I become more consistent?
Commit to the process you have identified for achieving your goals no matter how you’re feeling on any given day. Start with smaller goals such as waking up 5-10 minutes earlier each day and committing to getting out of bed no matter how you feel.
How can I stay motivated when I begin to struggle?
Understand that the path to your goals is not straight. Anticipate what Seth Godin calls “The Dip,” i.e. setbacks, lack of motivation, unforeseen challenges. Decide ahead of time what you you will do when the Dip shows up. If you want to be consistent, decide to persevere through the dip. How do you do that? To quote a certain company, “Just do it!”