The story of the Maharshi Karve.

29 Oct 2022

In the evening news on the radio, it was reported that Bharat Ratna Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve passed away at the age of one hundred and five. My grandfather's eyes lit up. At an early age, one began to realize that if a householder without relatives continues to fill his eyes for him even after reaching the age of one hundred and five, his work must be very great.
Maharshi Karve was born on April 18, 1858 during the height of freedom struggle. Later, on August 15, 1947, national independence was also won before his eyes; But they already realized that freedom is not only shared by national unity, but freedom must be complete. They saw that the woman in this country is a slave even after gaining national independence she will remain a slave. If she wants to be free, she must realize that she is a slave and this realization cannot come without education. However, the culture of the Indian woman herself was such that she used to consider her slavery as an ornament! Even if it is pretended that the position of a woman is that of a goddess in our society; But mistaking her as a Shudratishudra, she was tortured in disguise. Excuses, poets strongly felt that she must be educated! However, they also saw that this task was extremely difficult. To lick one's self to gain independence was like hitting one's head on a rock. He made a landmark that this Asidharavrat can be perfected if we live in a calm and tolerant attitude. It was necessary to do this work slowly but surely! It was not just that there would be obstacles. There was to be a rebellion against the whole society. If we do this, we know that the Ishwarchandra showed that widow marriage can be done by looking at the pitta of pothyas. By marrying a widow himself, Kalya gave his object lesson. He started with himself, so he had no one to talk to. Prof. Dhondo Keshav Karve used to teach mathematics in college. He was the center of knowledge. So no one dared to argue with them. Only 'to persecute righteous men' was the only historical work done by the ignorant society of that time. Of course, Maharishi Annasaheb Karve was forgiving towards this society. He already anticipated the persecutory social attitude. Annasaheb's clothes were torn in the pakkabukki made by the society. Every day he had to sew not his shirt but his coat, where it was torn. They did not use torn clothes. The educated people of the village ran a rabbit hole, cursing their relatives or getting distracted from their work. like Sant Dnyaneshwar was also persecuted was But it did not appear anywhere in their literature, by the way! The conduct of the performers remained the same as that of Dnyaneshwar's poetry.Maharishi Karve planted the Muhurtamedha of the Orphanage. Over time, after shifting the Balikashram to Hingana, they renamed it as "Hingane Women's Education Institute". They collected 'Paise Cha Nidhi' and 'Murud Nidhi'. The extravagance of the funds collected by the arts was not only impossible. Karves themselves did not use the motor, they used to walk to the Ashrams miles away. Far from using the society's money, they also used their own money for the society, but the society knew that they used their own money for the society. As much as they needed to spend at home, from their earnings, they did it. All the rest of the money he used in social work. He was living in his own world. There was a rumor that Maharishi Karve was determined to make the society better; but that determination did not make the family ugly! The mathematical attribute of precision came in handy there. .They didn't speak. Thinking, thought solidified, or putting it into practice. It was by their actions that people could guess what was going on in their minds! This was not a trick; on the contrary. Yes, it is better to be an active reformer than a vocal reformer Maharishi Karve Yanj had symptoms of status pragya. He who is steadfast in his own pleasure; However, he was saddened by another's suffering, turned happy by another's happiness, the true sage Maharishi Karve was focused only on social reform. They did not want to be in debt to anyone and they did not want to be in debt to anyone. If the workers had to eat somewhere, they would take out the money and put it next to the plate and get up. Don't let anyone spend money on you. Maharishi Karve wanted to do something that others could not doIf women remain illiterate in India's industry, the country will be like a paralyzed person. On one side we call this country Mother India; He wanted to dispel the irritating contradiction that we regard Saraswati as the mother of Vadmaya and on the other hand keep the woman illiterate and ignorant. Mahashi Thodo by Keshav Karve, etc. on the lines of Japan. S. In 1996, India's first women's university was established by admitting five women. In those old days of fireboat travel, Maharishi Kalya traveled the world spreading the greatness of women's education, holding meetings on women's education all over the world. It was their dream that a woman should be self-respecting, educated, educated and able to compete with men. They had to do two tasks in it. On the one hand, making women literate was a complex task and on the other, bringing her into competition with men was a daunting task to break the shackles of supremacy over women in a patriarchal culture. A capability similar to that of a rocket falling out of the Earth against gravity was required.
Born in Sherawali village of Khed taluka in Ratnagiri district, this boy was not considered a Maharshi or Bharat Ratna by birth. Dr. Pondo Keshav Curve. People proudly considered him as Maharishi. Rajmanasa, in 1958, was awarded 'Bharat Ratna', the highest civilian award.
Once in the university, a girl was sitting behind his statue crying. I was so angry that I said to her, "How come you don't feel like crying by the statue of curvy people? This university was created so that you don't cry at all Women's education continues. SNDT Women's University was established by Maharishi Annasaheb Karve Women learn; But as long as men are not educated in the true sense, it is not believed that the oppression of women will stop. Due to traditional customs, many men do not realize that we often misbehave with our mother, sister, wife, daughter. A woman is not a secondary citizen or a commodity. She also has her dreams, emotions There are aspirations, thoughts. Teaching her to accept this 'existence', i.e. male education' became educated, thatIt will mean women's freedom. "Man too" was educated, that the great work started by Bharatratna Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Apakhya Annasaheb Karve, the reformer, would be completed. Then the smile will bloom where the eyes will not be seen.
This is the story of the maharshi Karve.

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