Poetry! A Love That Never Was

8 Oct 2024

I. The First Glance

In the crowded quiet of a fading sun,
Two strangers’ eyes met, threads of light undone,
And in that fleeting pause between the breath,
There hung a promise, or perhaps its death.
The city’s hum, the shadows in the air,
All whispered something hidden, something rare.
Yet fate stood still, indifferent to their gaze,
A love that sparked but flickered in a haze.
Beneath the twilight, colors softly bled,
A canvas of desire left unsaid.
She wore a smile like autumn’s secret chill,
He held a warmth that even time stood still.
But words unspoken echoed deep and wide,
Two souls adrift, the world a rising tide.
In silence thick as night, they walked away,
A love that never was began that day.

II. The Paths That Never Crossed

The moon hung low, a silver silent tear,
As seasons passed, and still they drew no near.
Each step they took in life, a different way,
Two parallel paths, lost in the fray.
He chased the sun that kissed the mountain peak,
She danced with shadows, searching what to seek.
And yet, within their hearts, a silent hum,
A song of love that never dared become.
He dreamt of her in moments he’d forget,
The smell of rain, her face in silhouette.
She felt his absence in the morning dew,
A nameless ache she never fully knew.
Like echoes lost in mountains far apart,
They wandered through the world with half a heart.
No letters penned, no glances passed again,
A love that never was, still born of pain.

III. The Years of Almosts

The years grew long like vines upon the wall,
Yet every now and then, they’d almost call.
The fleeting thought of “what if?” brushed their minds,
But life’s distractions tied them close in binds.
She met another, love a brief disguise,
But deep within, she longed for different skies.
He too found solace in another’s arms,
Yet wondered if he’d missed the real charms.
They passed in crowded streets, but did not see,
Two ghosts of what they almost came to be.
The touch of hands that never dared to meet,
A love that died before it grew complete.
Each birthday, every winter’s chill that froze,
Carried the weight of what no one else knows.
An almost kiss, an almost spoken word,
A love that never was, yet always stirred.

IV. The Echo of Dreams

In dreams, they danced through fields of golden wheat,
A place where time and sorrow never meet.
She’d see his eyes, the ones that never lied,
He’d feel her touch, the one he’d long denied.
The stars would weave their secrets in the sky,
But morning came, and dreams were left to die.
They woke to lives that never quite aligned,
Two souls apart, but tethered in the mind.
And in those dreams, they’d laugh beneath the trees,
The wind would carry whispers through the breeze.
Her hair, a cascade of the morning light,
His voice, the anchor in the endless night.
But as the hours turned to wakeful day,
Their lives resumed, the dream would fade away.
A love that only lived when eyes were closed,
A love that never was, and never rose.

V. The Letters Never Sent

The ink of time wrote stories in their veins,
Of laughter, loss, of heartbreak and of gains.
Yet somewhere deep within a drawer of hope,
Lay letters never sent, tied up with rope.
She’d written lines in moments soft and sweet,
Of all the ways she’d hoped their hearts would meet.
He too, in silence, penned a hidden song,
Of how he’d loved her all those years along.
But fear, like winter’s frost, had stayed their hand,
Too scared to cross the fragile line of sand.
And so, the letters yellowed with the years,
Untouched by longing, soaked in unseen tears.
For in their hearts, they knew the truth too well:
A love that never was cannot compel.
So both remained in silence, worlds apart,
A love that never was, yet tore their heart.

VI. The Crossroads

One day, beneath a sky of heavy gray,
Their paths, at last, were drawn the same old way.
A chance, a fleeting moment, came once more,
Two strangers standing at an open door.
He looked at her, she saw him just the same,
But in their eyes, no ember, only flame.
A lifetime’s worth of words burned on their lips,
Yet none were spoken, lost in fingertips.
She smiled, but it was softer than before,
A gesture brief, and nothing more.
He nodded, knowing that the time had passed,
That some things simply aren’t meant to last.
No grand reunion, no embrace of fate,
Just silence stretching wide across the gate.
A love that never was, still unconfessed,
Yet settled softly in the heart’s own chest.

VII. The Final Goodbye

The sun dipped low, a quiet bow to night,
As shadows lengthened, swallowing the light.
They parted ways, like leaves upon the breeze,
No final words, no grand display of ease.
Yet in their hearts, a tender wound remained,
A love that never was, and still unstained.
For some things never change, they simply drift,
Like ships that sail but never meet the cliff.
And as they walked away, both felt the weight,
Of all the things that came too little, late.
No anger, no regret, just silent peace,
A knowing that the longing had to cease.
For love, when left untold, becomes a ghost,
A shadow lingering on what matters most.
A love that never was, but always dreamed,
A love that lived in places unforeseen.

VIII. The Echo That Remains

And now, as years have folded into dust,
Their memories, though faded, still adjust.
She sometimes thinks of him in moments still,
When twilight settles on the windowsill.
He too recalls the glimmer of her eyes,
When autumn leaves descend from open skies.
But life moves on, with or without the past,
And some things, like their love, are meant to last—
Not in the way of fire or burning flame,
But in the echo of an uncalled name.
For love that never was still lingers near,
A silent whisper only hearts can hear.
In dreams, in songs, in moments unforeseen,
A love that wasn’t will forever mean.
The roads not walked, the doors that stayed ajar,
The silent yearning held within a star.
A love that never was, but always knew,
That sometimes, love’s not meant for me and you.

IX. The Eternal What-If

And so, they live with “what ifs” in their chest,
A question mark that never finds its rest.
She walks through gardens, feeling summer’s kiss,
But wonders still about the love she’d miss.
He sails the sea, the wind upon his face,
Yet knows that somewhere else, there’s still a place.
A place where love had bloomed and fully grown,
A place where hearts could call each other home.
But life, as it will do, goes ever on,
The moments missed, the future now forgone.
A love that never was, still lives in dreams,
In quiet hopes, and in the moonlight beams.
For though their paths were never intertwined,
Their souls, in secret, will forever bind.
A love that never was, but always near,
A love that whispers gently, year by year.

X. The Legacy of Silence

And now, beneath the stars that gently glow,
Their story fades, but still, the heart will know.
That some loves aren’t meant to live in light,
But dwell instead in shadows of the night.
The silence they once shared became their song,
A melody of love that can’t be wrong.
For in the quiet, they both came to see,
A love that never was, still set them free.
And so, with time, the echoes start to fade,
But something in their hearts will still be laid.
A love that never bloomed, yet never died,
A love that lived in silence, yet still cried.
For love that never was is still a love,
A silent gift, a burden from above.
And though the world may never know their tale,
A love that never was will still prevail.


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