Fruit Allergy

12 Feb 2024

Fruits and vegetables are essential parts of a healthy eating routine. Fruits and vegetables are among the foods that should be consumed in order to prevent metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases. However, consuming some fruits and vegetables can trigger allergic reactions. After ingestion of the fruit, mild reactions such as reddening and swelling of the lips, itching in the mouth, redness and itching in the throat, as well as fatal allergic reactions may occur.

Is Fruit Allergy Common?

Although the incidence of fruit allergy varies depending on the geopolitical location and season, it has been reported that it occurs in five out of every hundred people. Many people ignore the symptoms of fruit allergy, but in some cases serious reactions may occur. Specifically, peach fruit is the most common allergenic fruit. Subsequently, apple and kiwi cause allergic reactions, respectively. Basically any fruit can cause allergies. The components contained in fruits can often cause cross-reactivity with other fruits and cause allergies.

Does the Fruit or the Peel Cause Allergies?

Although fruits are consumed raw or processed, both the peel and the flesh may contain allergens. Significant allergens are more concentrated in the skin of fruits. The allergens in the shell are resistant to cooking. On the other hand, the structure of the allergens in the fleshy area is less allergenic and is more sensitive during the cooking process. For this reason, in individuals with fruit allergies, the allergenicity will be reduced if the fruit is peeled, shredded, mashed and baked. However, some fruits may be resistant to baking. The allergenicity factor of many fruits may vary compared to other fruits. The main reason for this situation may be the differences in the structure of the allergens present in its content. What are the symptoms of fruit allergy? Symptoms of fruit allergies are generally seen in the lips, mouth and throat area. The most common symptoms encountered are; It is a slight edema, itching and tingling sensation in the lips, mouth, palate and throat. Allergic symptoms appear within a short period of time, such as 5-10 minutes, after the individual ingests the allergenic fruit. Once the food is swallowed, symptoms usually resolve within minutes due to the degradation of the allergen by proteolytic digestion and stomach acid enzymes. The fruit causes more allergic symptoms after being stored for several days. This is because there may be an increase in the proteins in the fruit as a result of storage, which causes an increase in the allergy symptom.

What Triggers Fruit Allergy?

Fruit allergy is more common in those who are allergic to birch pollen and grass pollen. Apple allergy generally occurs in people with pollen allergies. In fruit allergy, the risk is higher if the person ingests fruit while the person is hungry. As a result, the risk of fruit allergy develops more if fruits are consumed with alcohol or if you exercise immediately after consuming fruit. If the fruit allergy develops after exposure to processed and high temperatures, the risk of developing a serious allergy is quite high. In allergy tests, fruit allergies are more common in people with high allergy sensitivity to pollen, in those with multiple pollen allergies and in those with more pollen allergy symptoms, as well as in those living in regions where birch and grass pollen allergies are intense.

How to Treat Fruit Allergy?

The size of the allergy is the critical point in the treatment of fruit allergy. For those with severe fruit allergies, it is essential not to consume the allergic fruit. In some cases, fruit allergies may decrease after heat treatment, and it may be a good suggestion to consume the fruit by peeling the skin and then baking it. It is of great importance to follow the nutritional recommendations as a result of the necessary tests performed by allergists. In addition, in those who are allergic to fruit and experience itching and redness on the body due to fruit consumption, antihistamine medications can be used to correct these symptoms. If there is a risk of serious allergy symptoms, an adrenaline auto-injector should be used.

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