Indonesian Capital Market Continues to Grow Amid Global Dynamics.

9 Jan 2024

Jakarta, 29 December 2023. In the midst of conditions of global economic instability, the performance of the Indonesian Capital Market throughout 2023 continues to show positive performance. This is reflected in a number of indicators such as market stability, trading activity, the amount of funds raised, and the number of retail investors which continues to increase. This was conveyed by the Chief Executive of the OJK Capital Market, Financial Derivatives and Carbon Exchange Supervision, Inarno Djajadi in his remarks at the Closing of 2023 Indonesian Stock Exchange Trading in Jakarta, Friday. "Thanks to the strong synergy, collaboration and cooperation of all stakeholders in the Indonesian Capital Market industry, in the end we were able to face these various challenges and continue to achieve various positive achievements in 2023," said Inarno. Present at the activity were members of the OJK Board of Commissioners, Chief Executive of Banking Supervision Dian Ediana Rae, Chief Executive of Insurance, Guarantee and Pension Fund Supervision Ogi Prastomiyono, Chief Executive of Supervision of Financial Services Business Actor Behavior, Education and Consumer Protection Friderica Widyasari Dewi, Chair Audit Board Sophia Wattimena, Chief Executive for Supervision of Financing Institutions, Venture Capital Companies, Microfinance Institutions and Other Financial Services Institutions Agusman and Chief Executive for Supervision of Financial Sector Technology Innovation, Digital Financial Assets and Crypto Assets Hasan Fawzi, Head of the Self-Regulatory Organization, and representatives of Capital Markets industry players. Previously, this activity began with a press conference for the closing of trading on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2023 with speakers from the Head of the Capital Market Licensing Department, Luthfy Zain Fuady, the Main Director of the Indonesian Stock Exchange, Iman Rachman, the Main Director of PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia, Iding Pardi, and the Director Principal of PT Indonesian Central Securities Depository, Samsul Hidayat. As of December 28 2023, the JCI was at 7,303.89 points or managed to grow by 6.62 percent year-to-date. Along with the growth of the JCI, market capitalization also grew by 23.82 percent year-to-date, namely IDR 11,762 trillion. The Indonesia Composite Bond Index grew by 8.51 percent from the end of 2022 of 344.78 to 374.20. Along with increasing domestic economic activity, fund raising activities through the Capital Market continue to increase. As of December 28 2023, OJK has released an Effective Statement for Registration Statements in the context of Public Offerings for 211 public offerings with total issuance of IDR 247.06 trillion. Securities Crowdfunding (SCF) funds also continue to increase. SCF has been successfully utilized by 493 SMEs, with total funds collected amounting to IDR 1.04 trillion from 167,788 investors, through 16 SCF organizing platforms.

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