Panic attacks and their causes

16 Nov 2022

A panic attack happens when we have a sudden intense fear which comes with certain physical reactions and in most cases, there is no actual danger or specific cause. Sometimes, panic attacks can be so frightening and accompanied by fear of a heart attack, or a path to death.
In a person's lifetime, He or She may have one or two panic attacks which could be due to a very stressful situation in which the panic attack goes away once the victim is calm and conscious of His or Her environment. But in a situation whereby Panic Attacks become recurrent, it may be that you are suffering from a Panic Disorder.
In as much as Panic attacks are not life-threatening, they may somewhat have a partial effect on our way of life if rampant.

What are the symptoms of a Panic Attack?

Panic Attacks happen all of a sudden without any warning, it could be while you are walking, driving, playing, dancing etc. And they could happen regularly or just once in a while.

Below are some of the signs that accompany Panic Attacks

  • Profuse sweating
  • You may have chest pain
  • You may develop a sudden headache
  • You may get dizzy, or get lightheaded
  • You may have shortness of breath
  • You may start sensing danger or sniffing doom etc.

Panic attacks may come with PTSD which could be really frustrating because some panic attack experiences can be likened to a near-death experience.

At what point are you to see a doctor?

Once you notice signs of Panic attacks, seek medical help immediately without hesitation because they are quite intensely uncomfortable.
Some of the few causes of panic attacks although not medically proven yet, could be genetics, really great stress, fear of an unforeseen circumstance etc.

In order to prevent Panic Attacks, ensure to visit a doctor in times where you perceive the symptoms, also try to exercise regularly. 

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