What is RoboFi IBO and how is it used?
The quest to find trusted projects has been on for a long time in the crypto space. This quest has been directed toward finding the best and most reliable crypto projects to invest in with confidence. This gave rise to some trusted decentralized applications coming up with an idea known as IDO, ICO, IPO etc, which allowed crypto investors to support crypto projects at an early stage, by raising funds for the project and earning the project’s token at a supposed cheaper rate in return.
In the same vein, Robofi a Decentralised application came up with a concept known as IBO (Initial Bot Offering)
What is IBO (Initial Bot Offering)
IBO is simply a process whereby Robofi allows Bot Creators to offer bot tokens ( C- token and G- token ) to community members at an early stage immediately after the Pre-IBO, this would also serve as a measure to raise an initial fund for the bot.
What are C- tokens and G- tokens?
Certificate or Governance
C- token and G- token an acronyms for Certificate tokens and Governance tokens respectively.
Certificate token: These are tokens offered to represent proof of stake to the DABot( Decentralized Autonomous Bot). The c-tokens are pegged to a 1:1 ratio of the staked assets. It must be noted that C-tokens vary depending on the specification of the DABot.
Governance tokens: These are tokens that give users governance power on DABots. It can be gotten either by taking part in IBO or by purchasing with VICS (the main crypto-token issued by the Robofi Ecosystem).
Whether, G-token or C-token, both generate rewards from trading activities on DABot to their users.
Why IBO?
Are you wondering?
- Earn rewards for taking part in IBO.
- Get G-tokens at IBO price( 100% guarantee that you will get it at a cheap. rate compared to the regular price).
- Get guaranteed governance share of the DABot.
- You will get a higher reward weight as a pioneer staker.
How to take part in IBO
A guide
Below is a guide to taking part in the IBO by Robofi
Every DABot during an IBO has an IBO CAP, which is the maximum amount that can be contributed to the DABot during the IBO. So it is expected that community members make their contribution before the IBO CAP is reached.
Before anyone can take part in the IBO, they are required to have sTokens, as that is the only currency used during the IBO process. sTokens can be gotten from the Robofi Treasury.
Here’s a guide to using the robofi treasury- link
After getting the required sTokens, head over to in-IBO and stake your sToken to the DABot in the IBO phase.
Here’s a guide to stake sTokens during the IBO stage- link
sTokens staked during the IBO stage cannot be unstaked until the IBO is over. If you follow the above steps judiciously, you will successfully take part in Robofi’s IBO.
In a world filled with several options to choose from, making the perfect decision on what trading BOT to use can be frustrating. But then Robofi has proven beyond doubt to stand amongst its competitors.
Taking part in their IBO shouldn’t be something to worry about, considering the benefits and advantages that come with it.