My Journey To Heaven

16 May 2024

As I walked the path of life, I knew my final destination
A place of peace and love, where souls find their salvation
Heaven's gates, my heart's desire, where angels sing and play
Guiding me home, come what may

Through trials and tribulations, I made my way
Learning and growing, night and day
Every step, a lesson learned, every fall, a chance to rise
Strengthening my spirit, opening my eyes

The world, a fleeting dream, a moment's grace
Eternal life, my soul's embrace
In heaven's light, my heart finds rest
Where love and joy, forever nest

I left behind the world's loud din
And followed the whisper within
A gentle voice, a guiding hand
Leading me to the promised land
Through darkness and through light
I walked, with faith, the narrow night
And found my way, to the shining day
Where love's pure radiance, chases all away

The journey long, the road so winding
But with each step, my heart kept finding
The beauty of the soul, the love we share
And the grace that's always there
I met strangers, who became friends
Together we walked, until the very end
Supporting each other, through every test
And lifting each other, to our best

We shared our stories, our laughter and tears
And found common ground, through all our fears
And in our vulnerability, we found our strength
And the power of love, that forever length

The path unwinding, like a river's flow
Carrying me, to the place I know
Where love and peace, forever reign
And my heart finds, its eternal home

And when I reached, the heavenly shore
I saw the faces, I'd loved before
Who'd gone ahead, and paved the way
And welcomed me, to the eternal day

The gates of pearl, the streets of gold
A place of wonder, where love never grows old
Where every tear, is wiped away
And every heart, finds a brand new day

The choirs of angels, singing sweet
Their voices carrying, my soul to meet
The One who loves, with a love so true
And welcomes me, with a heart that's new

The journey's end, the beginning too
A new chapter, in a story anew
Where love and joy, forever reign
And my heart finds, its eternal home

And as I looked, upon the face
Of the One who loves, with a love so vast and wide
I knew I was, in the place I'd always known
Where love and peace, forever reside

The feeling of home, the sense of peace
A place where love, forever releases
The burdens of earth, the weights that we bear
And gives us wings, to fly without a care

And as I walked, through the heavenly land
I saw the beauty, of the Master's hand
A place of wonder, a place of might
Where love and peace, shine with all their light

The rivers of life, the trees of gold
A place of plenty, where love never grows old
Where every heart, finds a brand new day
And every soul, finds a brighter way

And as I looked, upon the face
Of the One who loves, with a love so vast and wide
I knew I was, in the place I'd always known
Where love and peace, forever reside

The journey's end, the beginning too
A new chapter, in a story anew
Where love and joy, forever reign
And my heart finds, its eternal home

And so I'll stay, in this place of love
Forever and always, sent from above
Where every heart, finds a brand new day
And every soul, finds a brighter way.

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