Challenges of novice digital writers

7 Feb 2024

It has been more than a year since I started to write online. To say that the way to becoming an online writer had been smooth would be a lie. Though I consistently post a tweet or write at least 350 words daily (excluding some days), I have my own share of problems as a beginning writer.
When I saw “How To Start Writing Online: The Ship 30 For 30 Ultimate Guide” by Dickie Bush and Nicholas Cole, I decided to read it and find what resonates with me.
Today I started reading the book. The first thing that came to my mind was that I have to summarize every chapter after I read it as I did with the “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy. This helps me solidify ideas and better understand the content of the book. To express something in your own words ensures that you truly grasped that something.
Bush and Cole identify 10 problems where novice writers struggle:

  1. Distractions. You always find distractions instead of starting to write — “I have to go for a walk” or “I have to check my Facebook account”.
  2. Over-editing. Beginner writers tend to edit their works too much. The authors recommend that editing doesn’t have to be your concern in the first year of writing.
  3. Perfectionism. Online writers always find ways not to publish their work because it isn’t complete yet. Just create something, as they say, perfect is the enemy of good.
  4. Procrastination. This is similar to the first one, distractions. Needless to say, as people of all professions, writers are also prone to procrastination. To overcome procrastination you should develop a daily writing habit. You should write every day. And if you miss one day, it’s okay. Just return to writing the next day.
  5. Self-confidence. Most beginner writers online lack self-confidence. They think no one will read their work.
  6. Generating ideas. This is the one that resonated with me most of all. As a novice writer, I don’t know how to consistently produce ideas. Every morning when I have to tweet (because I created a habit to tweet on a daily basis), I become anxious not knowing what to write about. Bush and Cole developed an Endless Idea Generator, a tool I hope I will find useful.
  7. Imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is such an internal experience of doubting his skills and competence and fear of being exposed as a fraud. The best solution, as they suggest, is not comparing yourself to other writers, and find your way to progress.
  8. Writing consistently. Though it sounds banal, that’s true. To become a writer you should write and write consistently. Every successful creator is successful because he / she persistently.
  9. Choosing a platform. Beginning creators worry about a platform where they’ll write. The advice is to choose anything other than your own blog. Because no one knows that your blog exists and thus, no one will read it. Instead, select a social writing platform, such as Twitter, Medium, Quora, or Substack among others.
  10. Finding time to write. The last one also resonates with me. As other beginners, I also worried that I won’t be able to find time regularly for writing. But as Bush and Cole say, for things that are dear and important to us, we don’t find time. We make time. Well said! They call their solution “Sacred Hours”; this is the time when you are most likely to be productive and less likely to be distracted.

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