How to Join the DAWN Internet Airdrop and Monetize Your Internet: A Simple Guide

20 Aug 2024


DAWN is a protocol designed to deliver decentralized broadband, creating a network powered by users themselves. This network aims to provide fast, affordable internet for homes and businesses, with multi-gigabit speeds made possible by the latest wireless technology advancements.
DAWN Internet is the first DePIN protocol to offer decentralized broadband with multi-gigabit wireless technology on Solana. Andrena, the technology behind DAWN allows individual homes to become infrastructure participants without relying on centralized telecommunication and cloud companies.

DAWN Internet Potential

Recently DAWN announced their $18M raise led by Dragonfly, as we know Dragonfly is one of the biggest VC on crypto space. Like Grass network, DAWN built on Solana blockchain, this is will significantly increase DAWN user because Solana is considered as blockchain with the largest community, it is so positive for DAWN growth.
Just like Grass, DAWN User (validator) will get airdrop in the future based on their accumulated points from validator extension. Just install validator on your pc, and you’ll earn points constantly as long your pc connected to internet.

How to Earn on DAWN?

Important Notes*

  • Better Network Quality will give you better daily point.


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