The World's Most Haunted Libraries

1 Oct 2024

Libraries, often thought of as quiet sanctuaries for learning and reflection, are not just homes to books and knowledge. Some of them are also homes to something far more mysterious—ghosts. Across the world, several libraries are rumored to be haunted, with tales of strange apparitions, unexplained noises, and books moving of their own accord.

These libraries have become places of intrigue, where the living and the supernatural coexist, adding a chilling layer to their historic walls. Let’s take a closer look at some of the world’s most haunted libraries and the eerie experiences they offer.

The Ghosts of Willard Library, Evansville, Indiana

The Willard Library, built in 1885, is one of the oldest and most haunted libraries in the United States. Visitors and staff have reported numerous ghost sightings over the years, with the most famous being the Grey Lady, a spectral figure dressed in grey who has been seen wandering the halls of the library.

Sightings of the Grey Lady have been reported since the 1930s. Her ghostly form is said to appear out of nowhere, drifting through the aisles, and sometimes interacting with visitors. She is often spotted on the security cameras, and her presence is sometimes accompanied by cold drafts and the smell of old perfume. Paranormal investigators who have visited Willard Library have detected unusual electromagnetic activity and even captured eerie sounds on their equipment.

The library’s hauntings have sparked so much curiosity that it now features a 24/7 “Ghost Cam”, allowing curious minds from around the world to observe the library’s interiors in the hope of spotting something supernatural.
Notable hauntings:

  • Sightings of the Grey Lady ghost on security cameras
  • Unexplained cold spots and strange smells in the library
  • Reports of books falling off shelves without explanation

University of Coimbra’s Joanina Library, Portugal

The Joanina Library at the University of Coimbra is one of the most beautiful and haunted libraries in the world. Built in the 18th century, this grand Baroque-style library is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former librarian who, according to legend, was so dedicated to his work that he refused to leave even after death.

Students and staff at the University of Coimbra have shared stories of mysterious footsteps echoing through the library’s ornate halls late at night, despite the building being empty. Some have reported seeing the shadowy figure of an old man drifting between the bookshelves. In certain areas, books are said to shift or fall without cause, adding to the mystery that surrounds this historical library.

Interestingly, the Joanina Library is also home to a colony of bats, which protect the books from harmful insects by feeding on them. The bats themselves have become part of the library’s lore, as their presence at night, combined with the supernatural legends, creates a particularly eerie atmosphere.

Fascinating features of the library’s hauntings:

  • Reports of a shadowy figure roaming the halls
  • Mysterious footsteps heard in empty rooms
  • Books falling or shifting without explanation
  • A nocturnal bat colony that adds to the library’s eerie reputation

The British Library, London

While the British Library is one of the most respected and vast collections of literary works in the world, it is also known for its strange and unexplainable happenings. Some of these hauntings are tied to the library’s predecessor, the British Museum Reading Room, where literary giants like Charles Dickens and Karl Marx once spent time writing and researching.

Several staff members and visitors have reported hearing disembodied voices, especially in the quieter parts of the library. The atmosphere can quickly shift from serene to unsettling, with many describing a feeling of being watched while they browse the shelves. One of the more famous ghostly sightings is that of the Phantom Reader, who is often seen seated at a desk with a book in hand, only to vanish when approached.

There are also stories of ghostly apparitions dressed in period clothing roaming the corridors, adding to the rich yet eerie history of this iconic institution. Although these stories are hard to confirm, they persist, making the British Library not just a hub of knowledge, but also of spectral intrigue.
Haunting details include:

  • Disembodied voices heard in the quiet corners of the library
  • Apparitions of a Phantom Reader seen with a book in hand
  • Ghosts dressed in period clothing wandering the halls

The Marsh’s Library, Dublin, Ireland

Marsh’s Library, one of Ireland’s oldest libraries, has been a center of literary culture since the early 18th century. However, it is not just the collection of ancient manuscripts that draws people to this historical site—there are also stories of ghostly activity, most notably the haunting of its founder, Archbishop Narcissus Marsh.

Archbishop Marsh, who established the library in 1701, is said to still roam the aisles in search of a letter written by his niece, who mysteriously disappeared. The letter was believed to contain vital information regarding her disappearance, but it was never found. Visitors have reported seeing the spectral form of the Archbishop, who appears deeply troubled, searching through old books as if looking for something important.

In addition to Marsh’s ghost, staff have reported hearing the sounds of books being opened and closed late at night, even though the library is empty. Some have even felt a light touch on their shoulders while working alone, only to find no one there.

Spooky elements of Marsh’s Library include:

  • The ghost of Archbishop Marsh searching for his niece’s lost letter
  • Strange sounds of books opening and closing on their own
  • Visitors feeling a spectral touch when no one is present


Haunted libraries, steeped in history and mystery, remind us that these spaces are more than just repositories for books. They are also witnesses to the lives—and sometimes the afterlives—of those who have walked their halls. From the Grey Lady of Willard Library to the troubled Archbishop of Marsh’s Library, these tales offer a chilling glimpse into the unknown. While some visitors may come for the books, many are drawn by the hope of experiencing something otherworldly, and these haunted libraries offer just that—a chance to connect with the past in ways that are as eerie as they are intriguing.

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the stories surrounding these haunted libraries have become an enduring part of their legacy, drawing curiosity from people all over the world. As these libraries continue to preserve not only knowledge but also their spectral legends, they serve as a reminder of how deeply intertwined history and the supernatural can be.

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