A Rainy Morning

10 Aug 2024

A thousand words to paint the scene,
Of morning kissed by drops of rain,
Where every leaf and every green
Is blessed by clouds that gently wane.

The dawn, a soft and muted hue,
Wakes gently to the world anew,
As raindrops tap on windowpane,
A melody of calm and dew.

The earth, it breathes a deeper sigh,
As rain descends from tender sky,
Each droplet whispers, sings, and sways,
A lullaby for day’s first light.

The trees, they stand with open arms,
Receiving rain’s embracing charms,
Their branches stretch, their roots dig deep,
In earth that drinks and softly weeps.

The world outside is bathed in grey,
Yet beauty in this subtle play,
As rain transforms the weary night,
Into a canvas, soft, yet bright.

The air is thick with fragrant mist,
A scent of earth, of nature kissed,
By gentle tears from heavens wide,
That seep into the ground with pride.

Each blade of grass, each petal small,
Rejoices in the rainfall’s call,
The soil, once dry, now soaks and sings,
A hymn to life that morning brings.

The city streets, once loud and bright,
Now softened in this gentle light,
The bustling world, it slows its pace,
To savor rain’s embrace with grace.

Umbrellas bloom like flowers fair,
In hands that shelter from the air,
Yet in the rain, they find a peace,
A moment where all worries cease.

The puddles form on cobbled streets,
Reflecting sky where heaven meets,
The earth below in unity,
A dance of drops in harmony.

The rooftops glisten, rooftops gleam,
As morning wakes from silent dream,
The chimneys puff a gentle smoke,
That curls and twists in playful stream.

Each car that passes splashes by,
Yet softly in the morning’s sigh,
As if the world has paused to hear,
The rain’s sweet music, soft and clear.

The birds, they sing a quieter song,
Yet in the rain, they feel no wrong,
For in the drops they find a tune,
A melody that lifts them soon.

The flowers bend but do not break,
They welcome rain for beauty’s sake,
Their petals catch each silver drop,
And hold them close in tender shape.

The rain, it paints the world in shades,
Of grey and green and blue cascades,
It washes clean the dust of day,
And sweeps the night’s dark hues away.

The morning, wrapped in rain’s embrace,
Wears softly now a peaceful face,
The worries of the world at bay,
As rain reclaims the light of day.

The clouds, they part in slow retreat,
Revealing sky where sun may meet,
The earth again with warming rays,
Yet rain still lingers in its gaze.

The rivers swell with newfound life,
Their waters freed from all the strife,
That drought and sun had brought before,
Now rushing swift with rain’s own lore.

The mountains wear a shroud of mist,
A veil that hides them as they twist,
In shadows deep and valleys wide,
Where rain has come to gently bide.

The fields, they drink the morning’s gift,
As rain, like life, begins to lift,
The spirits of the earth and men,
To face the day with hope again.

The rain, a poet’s endless muse,
In every drop a word to choose,
To capture all the morning’s grace,
And paint it on the world’s own face.

The children, they in joy do play,
In puddles formed from night’s own sway,
Their laughter echoes through the air,
As rain renews the world with care.

The rain, it holds a secret dear,
A truth that’s whispered close to ear,
That life, like rain, must ebb and flow,
In cycles that both give and grow.

The rain it teaches patience true,
That all things come in time to you,
If you but wait and trust the flow,
That morning brings with rain’s own glow.

And as the day begins to rise,
The rain, it sings its sweet goodbyes,
Yet leaves behind a world so pure,
That all who see it must be sure.

That rain is more than just a storm,
It is the life that keeps us warm,
It is the tears that heal the soul,
It is the dance that makes us whole.

The morning rain, a fleeting friend,
But one on whom we can depend,
To wash away the night’s dark fears,
And bring us light through gentle tears.

For in the rain, we find our place,
A world reborn, a world of grace,
Where every drop is life anew,
And morning wakes in shades of blue.

So let the rain continue on,
To bless each day, each night, each dawn,
For in its fall we find the key,
To life, to love, to what will be.

A thousand words could never tell,
The beauty in the rain that fell,
But in this morning’s gentle light,
We find our hearts, our souls, our sight.

And so the rain, it softly fades,
As morning brightens, evening wades,
Yet in our hearts, the rain remains,
A memory of life’s sweet gains.

For rainy mornings hold a truth,
That life is precious, swift, uncouth,
But in the rain, we find our way,
To face the world, to live the day.

And as the last drop kisses ground,
The morning wakes without a sound,
Yet in its quiet, we all know,
The rain has given life to grow.

A thousand words may fade away,
But rain will always find a way,
To bless the earth, to bless the morn,
And in its fall, new life is born.

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