The Ants and The Grasshopper

27 Oct 2022

The ant is known for its industry and handwork and is commended even in the Holy Bible. The story of the ant and the grasshopper is another very popular fable with an abundance of lessons.

In the Summer days, the Ant worked and gathered food and supplies day and night while the Grasshopper was busy singing and dancing in the sun. The Grasshopper made no plans for when winter would come. During winter, the Grasshopper was starving to death as he had not stored up any food. He came across a family of Ants sorting their grain and supplies. The Grasshopper begged the ants for food.
The ants asked in surprise "Have you no food stored up for the winter? What were you doing all last summer?".
The Grasshopper replied, "I didn't have the time to gather any food." "I was busy making music and dancing and before I knew it, summer was gone."
The Ants answered, "As you sang and danced in the summer, sing and dance the winter away".
They turned their backs on the Grasshopper and went on with their business.

This story teaches us the importance of proper planning and time management. There is a time for everything. If we do not do what we are supposed to do at the right time, we will most definitely end up in regret. The story also teaches the virtue of hard work and decent labor. The Bible commended the ants for this in the book of Proverbs where It advises: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise: which having no chief, overseer or ruler, provideth her bread in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest". Anyone that does not plan for 'rainy days' will find himself begging when seasons change, and like the grasshopper, will be turned away.

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