Impact Of Advertisements OnThe Younger Generation

21 Nov 2022

The advertisement industry has a tremendous impact on the younger generation. As citizens of the modern world, advertisements have become a part of the daily lives of youngsters and they have got used to being bombarded with numerous advertisements over the course of their day.

Advertisements have become so common for them that they often do not even realize that they are hearing or viewing them. So they have a pervasive influence on the youth. In the ever-expanding world of consumerism and advertising, companies are constantly looking for new ways to sell their products to the youngsters by making their commercials and campaigns more memorable, to leave an impact on their minds. The younger generation has become their prime target because they have more spending power than ever before and increased avenues at their disposal. Therefore companies spend enormous amounts of money to rope in popular film stars, cricketers, musicians etc. to endorse their products.

This helps to ensure popularity and early brand loyalty. In the last decade many superbrands have looked towards new and outrageous ways to capture young audiences through appealing campaigns as these youngsters are cognitively and psychologically quite defenceless against advertisements. Clearly, advertisements represent ‘big business’ and has a significant effect on young people who need to be educated about the effects of advertising, that is, media literacy. This will prove to be helpful in mitigating the harmful effects of advertising on youngsters.

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