My recent article on Cloud Security in IEEE Newsletter

19 Jul 2022

Recently, I have published one of my articles in IEEE Newsletter, and today in this blog I’m talking about my experience and tips to the contributors..
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                                                                    Photo by Author ©

As, we all know IEEE is one of the most prestigious technical, and professional organizations dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. By publishing your article in IEEE Newsletters, you will get more visibility to like-minded people where you can connect and share ideas with.

Why do we need to publish?

                                             Photo by Markus on Unsplash

By publishing our thoughts, others can learn the latest insights in the technology happening around the world and how do we address them? Authors will find that publishing with the IEEE Newsletters widens the exposure of their professional network and gain credibility by sharing thier knowledge.

You don’t need to pay for publishing your article, all you need to have deeper insights into your niche and be concise in communicating with a problem statement and a bit of research with a conclusion reached.

How do you structure your article?

Submission guidelines for each publication may vary. To be sure you are meeting all of the requirements for a specific publication, visit IEEE Xplore and select the publication in which you wish to be published by using the browse or search feature.

But for most of them, the typical article structure starts with Title ( Name of your article ) and introduction of the author with (Email/Name) at the header followed by

Abstract which contains a short description of your article where you should be concise in communicating your entire article in 100–250 words (at max). This is a critical component that your reviewer looks at and takes a discussion to proceed to publish your article. Hence, it’s crucial to spend some time writing your abstract clearly, and concisely.
                                                             Photo by Author ©

Next is an introduction with an approach where you can talk about the specific problem/use case and the potential steps that are available at this moment with some examples done from research (with some of the fields like discussionapproach are optional ) but then it depends on you to touch base on them or not as you need to complete the article with a maximum of 2500 words at max.

It’s very important to attach reference links that you have looked upon for research to write your article. Last but not the least, do the plagiarism check and check the number of words to ensure you have followed the standards to publish your article.


I'm writing on medium you can follow my articles here :My recent article on Cloud Security in IEEE Newsletter | by Musunuru Sharmila | Jul, 2022 | Dev Genius

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