Cloud Solution Architect @Microsoft - Lesson's learned

11 Jul 2022

First, let me introduce about myself: I'm Sharmila Musunuru who's 27 years old working as cloud solution Architect @Microsoft.

In this post, I'll share some lessons I wish I had known earlier - lessons I've learned throughout my career.
I have drawn these insights from my own personal experience and convictions. I hope it is helpful to you.

1. If you don’t take action because you lack experience, you’ll never earn experience.

                                      Photo by Eileen on Unsplash

Even though experience helps, you don't have to be an expert to begin acting. You can develop experience by applying what you've learned, contrary to popular belief.

Don't let your fear of making mistakes or your worry about not knowing everything hold you back.

Goals come to an end, but your learning path never does.

2. You don’t have to have excellent English speaking skills.

                                              Photo by Miguel on Unsplash

This is an addition to the last lesson, but it deserves its own topic. Besides what is said in the title, there isn't much to say here: you don't have to speak English flawlessly.

Grammar errors won't be noticed at work. I am not saying you shouldn't improve your English if you have the chance; rather, I am saying that you shouldn't let your fear of not being perfect stop you from taking the next step.

3. You are not superior to the engineers at FAANG.

                      Photo by Nathan on Unsplash

The five technology giants Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Alphabet (the G stands for Alphabet’s main business, Google) are collectively referred to as the acronym FAANG.
I had some minor concerns about whether I was on level with my peers when I first started at Microsoft.

However, I quickly realized that everyone at FAANGs is a regular person who is knowledgeable about some things but not others. Yes, I made some excellent friends at Microsoft, but I also did so at some of my previous employers.

In the end, there is something for everyone to learn and teach everywhere.

Even if I’m an FAANG engineer now, nobody can compare to me. No one is worse than me. You are neither worse nor better than I am. I’ll never know everything, and I don’t know everything.

The secret is to be willing to share knowledge with others.

4. You can’t get everything done at one shot.

                            Photo by Brigittie on Unsplash

I continuously struggle with a sense of not leaving things undone, whether it’s because of a personality feature or my upbringing. My tendency is to complete everything right away, including the research write-up, the narrative, and the spec.
But that’s the issue; setting priorities usually necessitates leaving something undone. 

Additionally, I prioritize other things other simply work, such as sleep, self-care, creativity, and relationships. After giving it some thought, I decided against sacrificing myself for my job.

Life is much more than work, so in order to create time for those things, I need to be willing to put off finishing tasks until the following day, the following week, or even not at all.
By ensuring that I complete the necessary tasks (and that expectations are made on the things I will and will not deliver).

However, because I am not a machine or a superhuman, I must establish and adhere to boundaries.

5. It’s not always about you

                                          Photo by Scharferle on Pixabay

The tendency to believe that all achievements and failures are personally related is common. But this year, I learned that occasionally, choices that don’t go my way have nothing to do with me or how well I do.

Why is this crucial?

This knowledge enables me to respond to problems that emerge with more composure.
These choices are not personal; they frequently reflect a method or purpose outside my control.

6. Look after your health

                            Photo by Logra on Pixabay

You sit in front of your computer for the majority of the day. Long-term, poor posture can cause serious back issues that can be excruciatingly painful and even incurable.

Purchase an ergonomic desk, chair, keyboard, and mouse. Maintain good posture.
Try to rise at regular intervals, consume water, get adequate rest, and visit the gym.

When I was younger, I shared that opinion. However, as you get older, your body will start to feel the negative effects of your bad behaviors.

7. Talk less and listen better.

                                            Photo by Aitoff on Pixabay

The most significant lesson I’ve ever learnt is to always learn from others.
And I must admit that I occasionally still need to tell myself to “Shut up and Listen.”
There is, in fact, always someone in the room who is more knowledgeable than you are. Just remember that they may not always broadcast it.

Be willing to adjust your mind and be open to criticism.

Share your thoughts with others, let them push you, and especially allow others to challenge you. Thankfully, there are numerous methods to assist.

8. Adopt “out of the box” thinking.

                                       Photo by Jiawei on Unsplash

One of the important team members who serves as the link between the development team and the business team is the architect.

You should learn as much as you can about the company and the product to do that.

On the basis of it, you’ll learn how to make choices while taking both technical and business factors into account.

In the end, you’ll realize that the majority of decisions are based on risk and prospective reward.
The key to creating high-quality software that provides value to people is understanding the business for which you are building the architecture, maintaining contact with the business team and development team, comprehending the roadmap of the programs and products, and understanding the customers’ complaints and frustrations.


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Microsoft: Cloud Solution Architect @27- 8 lessons learned in my career | by Musunuru Sharmila | Jul, 2022 | Medium

Hope you enjoyed reading my article, please let me know your comments on what lessons you have learned so far, as we all know that sharing is caring.

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