Kid's time

3 Jun 2023

A break in the day's activities known as the kid's time occurs between the dark and the light, when the night begins to fall.

In the room above me, I can hear.
Little feet tapping, a door opening, and soft, beautiful voices may all be heard.

In the lamplight, I can see Edith with golden hair, grave Alice, and merry Allegra coming down the wide hall stair.

A whisper is followed by quiet, but I can tell by the joy in their eyes that they are conspiring to surprise me.

A surprise raid from the hallway and a rush from the stairs!
They enter my fortress wall through three doors that were left unattended.

They encircle me if I try to flee since they appear to be everywhere. They climb up into my turret over the arms and back of my chair.

They smother me in kisses and encircle me in their arms till I am reminded of the Bishop of Bingen in his mouse-tower on the Rhine!

O blue-eyed banditti, what do you think?
Such an old mustache as I am is no match for you all because you have scaled the wall!

I have you in my custody and won't let you go; instead, I'll imprison you in the circular tower of my heart.

And I'll hold you there for ever, ever, and a day.
till the walls start to fall down and start t
o molder in the dust!

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