Is female contraception an attack on women's health?

18 Jan 2024

Big pharma, big lies! What does 'the pill' really do to young women?

All forms of hormonal contraception are chemical castration in the female body.

According to the WHO, 851 million women worldwide are using modern contraception methods, that's a huge earner for big pharma and a huge amount of women risking their health.

Lets look at the oral contraception pill. There are a variety of different pills available which work by inhibiting the bodies release of FSH and LH in order to prevent pregnancy. This does three things to the female body, it thins the uterine lining to prevent a fertilised egg from implanting, thickens the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching an egg and finally it prevents ovulation all together.

By preventing ovulation the female body is thrown out of equilibrium, the body will sense something is wrong and begin to work harder at an attempt to fix the problem.

As the body is confused with synthetic hormones, essentially faking a pregnancy each month in order to prevent ovulation, the immune system is constantly being tested. What effect does this have long term and is there a link with use of hormonal contraceptives and autoimmune diseases in women?

The big lie women are told is that the pill regulates their cycle, how can it regulate a cycle when without ovulation there is no cycle?!

Women on the oral pill do not have periods, they have pharmaceutical induced withdrawal bleeds, two very different events!

What are the dangers of taking oral contraception?

  • increased risk of breast cancer
  • risk of blood clots
  • Depression
  • loss of sex drive
  • weight gain
  • hair loss
  • depletes essential vitamins and minerals
  • damages intestinal bacteria
  • increased risk of yeast infections
  • headaches
  • abnormal pap smear results
  • prevents forming healthy bones
  • mood changes
  • inflammation
  • changed sense of smell
  • acne
  • post-pill Amenorrhoea

*Please note: Folate is not to be confused with folic acid. Folic acid is synthetic, Folate is naturally occurring and can be found in leafy vegetables, legumes and animal products.

Is it so bad if I'm taking contraceptives that stop me from ovulating?

Ovulation is much more than releasing an egg, what are the long term benefits of ovulation?

Every monthly dose of progesterone reduces inflammation, regulates immune function and supports thyroid, brain, bones and breast tissue.

Every monthly dose of estradiol promotes muscle gain, insulin sensitivity and the long term health of bones, brain and the cardiovascular system.

The benefits of ovarian hormones are both short-term by making women stronger and long-term by building metabolic reserve and health.

According to Canadian endocrinology professor Jerilynn Prior, " women benefit from 35 to 40 years of ovulatory cycles, not just for fertility but also to prevent osteoporosis, stroke, dementia, heart disease and breast cancer." In that sense every ovulation is like a monthly deposit into the bank account of long-term health. For professor Prior, ovulatory cycles are a creator of good health. They are also an indicator of good health because when we are healthy ovulation arrives smoothly and regularly. When we are unhealthy in some way the lack of ovulation can tell the story.

The American college of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) agrees. In December 2015 , together with the American academy of Paediatrics, they quietly issued a groundbreaking statement called Menstruation in girls and adolescents: using the menstrual cycle as a vital sign. In it, they state doctors should always ask patients about menstruation and advise girls to chart their cycles. By doing so, they say " doctors will demonstrate to patients that menstruation is an important reflection of their overall health. "

Learning to observe, chart and interpret an ovulatory cycle is called body literacy, a term coined by menstrual activist Laura Wershler.

Can the pill really prevent me from attracting a partner that is right for me?

The answer is yes!

Taking hormonal contraception changes your pheromones, your gut microbiome, your natural hormonal and biological functions and masks your internal compass. Pretty scary, right?!

It is important to note that if a woman has turned to the pill because of heavy or problematic periods, she is masking the root cause not curing it.

What are the most effective, natural birth control options?

  • Calendar rhythm method
  • Mucus inspection method
  • Basal body temperature method
  • Symptothermal method
  • Withdrawal method
  • Ovulation indicator testing kits

There are various apps that enable women to specifically track their cycles.

Remember, there are only 6 days of the month when an ovulating woman can actually become pregnant.

Hormonal contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

I am going to leave you with a short video.....

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