İKİTELLİ CURA (RUZBA) In our country, ikitelli cura has been practiced mostly in the Teke region from past to present. (Burdur, Muğla) and Central - Eastern - Southeastern - Mediterranean Regions (Kayseri - Sarız, Malatya - Arguvan, Kahramanmaraş - Elbistan) unique playing It was kept alive and transferred by performing it in different forms. In these regions Two-string cura masters were trained and the instrument developed with the special efforts of these masters. existed and was recognized. In the West, people who perform two-string as well as three-string (Ekici, 1993: 12) Ramazan Güngör, Nesimi Çimen came to the fore in the East He is among the important ikitelli cura performers. The main thing here is the cultural element and When this is carried with people who have cultural affiliations, it is completely Literally no geographical border can be drawn. Settlement for various reasons The person and/or group that migrates from their place takes their culture with them. and continues to live and let live. In this case, the cultural texture Its geographical borders also expand. So much so that the ikitelli cura performed by Alevis, From the east of Central Anatolia to the west of Eastern Anatolia, South, East Alevis are concentrated from the west of Anatolia to the east of the Mediterranean. It is performed in different neighboring regions and in a wide geography. With the change and development of baglama from past to present Especially with the increase in the number of strings, playing with plectrum became more common. It weakened the performance of ikitelli. İkitelli cura is performed in small numbers today Even though it has survived to the present day without disappearing, thanks to the work of people who are devoted to their traditions. It has been able to survive until. In the tradition of Minstrelsy/Zakirlik 1, the belief that is intended to be conveyed through poetry is social memory in permanence of the social and cultural message baglama as an instrument in its formation and transmission to the next generation. It served a very important function. Researcher Bayram Durbilmez, instrumentalist While listing its functions, it is emphasized that it increases the attention of the listener and the effect of the word. (Durbilmez, 2010: 157).
In this sense, the word binding is more It has become an important tool in making it easy to learn and remember. Because of its important role in carrying the word, thus belief and culture. For this reason, the saza is considered sacred by the Alevi community. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's words: "Gentlemen, this little instrument you see is a nation in its heart." The saying 'culture is being expressed' is literally embodied in ikitelli cura. It has two rows of strings and two voices, sometimes two, sometimes three or three times depending on the need. It is performed with four strings and forms the basis of Anatolian Alevi culture. in the transfer of religious and cultural values from time to time ikitelli cura, which has an important place, is a symbol of Anatolian culture in general and Alevi culture in particular. It has gained great importance with its small structure. Baglama, the integral sacred instrument of Alevi cem ceremonies2, was played in Anatolia. It varies with its two-wire and three-wire structures. İkitelli; Alevi its belief and philosophy from the past with local names such as ırızva and ruzba. It is the oldest type of baglama that has survived to the present day. Ruzba order and/or Alevi Two strings played with the pattern (La-Mi) known as the pattern (Korkmaz, 2016: 51). cura is especially used in semah and deyiş performances in regions where Alevi-Bektashi culture is intense, such as Kahramanmaraş-Elbistan, Malatya-Arguvan. is used. It is a part of worship rather than a means of entertainment.
ikitelli baglama/cura, the principles of faith, its philosophy, its devotion to the leaders of the way. It guides lovers/zakirs in keeping devotion and love alive and transferring them. With this feature, it has become an important symbol of culture and has been sanctified. Structural Features of İkitelli Cura In Anatolia, ikitelli cura is made according to the characteristics of local music and the person who uses it. different sizes, some large, some small, different depending on skill and need. It is used with different string numbers, different arrangements and playing techniques. these reeds Over time, they became two-stringed, three-stringed or four-stringed, according to the number of strings rather than their local names. defined as stranded. These names are arranged according to the number of wires, Since it is made without taking into account the playing style and the number of string rows, it does not provide any information. caused confusion. So much so that in a musical instrument consisting of two rows of strings There is only "lower wire and upper wire". When there is "one" wire at the bottom and "one" wire at the top This instrument, called two-string, is used to obtain a louder sound. For this purpose, sometimes the number of wires is increased to three by connecting "two" wires to the bottom and "one" to the top.
Based on this, the instrument is called three-stringed, sometimes with "two" on the bottom and "two" on the top. "two" strings or, as seen in Nesimi Çimen, "three" strings on the bottom and "one" wire on top By connecting the strings, the number of strings increases to four and therefore the instrument is called a four-stringed instrument. is defined. This brings with it a mistake. However this Regardless of the number of strings in a reed, there are two rows of strings. Order suitable for this is given and executed in accordance with this order. İkitelli cura layout is traditionally In the quadruple range, the lower string is tuned to "La" and the upper string is tuned to the full quadruple low "Mi" sound. Therefore, what is the number of strings in these instruments, which have two rows of strings and two voices? Let it be "ikitelli".
İkitelli cura (ruzba) performance, transmission and Âşık Nesimi Çimen's The results obtained from this research on its place and importance in the context In the light of this information, the following conclusions were reached: Tradition formed in oral culture environments, in practice environments It creates itself by passing from generation to generation through a natural process of influence and keeps you alive. In this respect, ikitelli cura is a cultural phenomenon in the Alevi tradition. It has taken its place in social memory and has been transferred to the present day. On the other hand, ikitelli cura reinforces the word in the transfer of cultural codes. and in creating the link of Alevi teaching with the future by making it easy to learn. has become an important tool.
The name ikitelli, which has an important place in the Alevi-Bektashi culture, dates back to the 14th century. It can be seen in Kaygusuz Abdal's poem. In this context, the two-string instrument Its use in culture dates back to the formation of Anatolian Alevi culture. It extends. From that time until now, two-string baglama has been used by lovers/zakirs. It was kept alive in his hands and transferred to the present day. In this process, Âşık Nesimi Çimen By performing ikitelli cura with his conscious and persistent effort, he became a part of the society of this instrument. While preserving its place in memory, it also disappears by being forgotten. has been prevented. In this sense, Âşık Nesimi Çimen is a cultural value. It has undertaken an important mission in preserving and transmitting.
Ikitelli saz has an important role in the field of application and education in today's conditions. that it has not received sufficient attention in its field, therefore it is not considered sufficiently by the new generation. It has been determined that it is not recognized and implemented. has fallen into oblivion and At a later stage, the proposed approach to preserve the two-stringed saz, which is facing extinction, and to transfer it to the future, should first be included in the scope of education. to be taken into account and to be introduced to the new generation by making it more performable.