Web3, what happened to you?
Awww, Web3, what a wonderful world. The land where we can get paid to play, read, learn, or walk. Isn’t it the dream?

"But Wait?! If I get paid to do these things… Maybe it makes sense to abuse the system and increase my earnings?! Right?"
“Maybe I will start being an engaged farming little b*, whose valuable inputs are close to 0. Maybe I will spit on years and years of development of the “XYZ” project because even though they give me the opportunity to generate extra income and improve my lifestyle, for me that isn’t enough. Oh no sir, I am entitled and smarter than everyone else. The devs should consider that pricks like me are still a thing. I mean it’s only logic; if I can receive the same reward by writing a “thanks”, instead of a thoughtful critique, why not doing it so? Is much faster, I will still receive my reward, I can still claim that I was participating in the early stages of a project, so all shall be good! It's the team’s problem that they couldn’t solve this”. (Pulls a Wojak touching his glasses kind of move)
I am sorry dude, but this is Web3, and you have to understand, that if you are part of it, you have to be better, and do a better job than what you‘ve been doing. You may be one of the people who complain about token prices not going up (boo-hoo), about adoption not moving at a faster rate…But did you ever stop and think? “Hmmm, can I help in this process?” Well, you can, and in a very simple manner. Stop doing what you doing, and present the best version of yourself! If Web 3 is represented by a community of free thinkers, builders, and “freedom fighters”, and you assume yourself as part of it, really become a part of it! Not just a sailor looking for a reward in a land of opportunities.
This space depends on genuine contributions and ideas, so please, instead of taking shortcuts, and the easiest route, let’s all put in the work and become better together.
You are not only making yourself look bad (does the cringe face) but you are making everyone else look bad. How many times, projects with great fundamentals, and nice vision, are destroyed because of people like you? You have to understand that you are one of the reasons for the stagnation of this space. You are one of the reasons, why the project doesn’t deliver! Asking questions about your own pockets, other than the project itself?! And you say you are part of a community? Every time that you think about bringing not valid inputs, rest assured that the people who believe in this space, know exactly what kind of person you are, and your endgame. And no one will take you seriously, since you are a BOT trapped in a human’s body.
So for the sake of everything Web3, be better! And I know is not pretty to point fingers - loving it though - and perhaps not polite - f* politics - but this is a space where we all should be transparent and call erratic acts for what they are. Is our obligation to try to improve certain actions to not hurt the work of the real builders and communities out there.
So in a nutshell! If you do something do it right, or don’t do it at all. Because you are causing more harm than good. Not only to the others but to yourself. And I am really, sorry if I went all "mean girls" on you but...not even sorry bud!