Lo Mama’s cry

23 Feb 2023

So I saw them play
Mischiefs of joy they are
The joy of  of a mother, Africa 
In her bosom she contains their pains
Holding their laughter and their joy in one

Now the clay pours on the faces of their play
That’s the joy that they find in the place
The hills of mama Africa shielding her beloved
Children scatter all around they go
I see her smile for them all above

Hear their laughter it’s all around
Echoing in the tunnels of infinity 
It’s the sounding of sweet melody 
Cheers of kiddies playing in the sand
Like birds chirping their sound chimes as well

And when she saw their joy she wept with love
Wondering how long would it last
She had prayed that they stay young forever
Because they grow too fast and before you know 
Her little children will be off to war coated with blood 

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