My BULB Journey

15 Apr 2024

Got an email from BULB today, a Review of my BULB journey and seeing I'm rank 153 from rank 244 last week, it brought a smile on my face how far I've gone thru with BULB from just a simple member who signed up when BULB's Twitter/X post about a early sign-up and a giveaway of 100,000 BULB tokens which i won. Then i forgot about it after writing my first blog, my day job kept me busy for more than a year then i opted not to work full-time and do something else. I got back to my BULB account after seeing that the membership is growing and BULB token is starting rise, that's when i started to get serious about BULB after spending a little more time on BULB and learning how it works i can honestly say this is much better than some of the Write-To-Earn or Read-To-Earn blog site i have joined. To be honest this is not the first time I've join a Earn-to-Do site the only difference is BULB is on the Blockchain while others are not, it gave BULB an edge to others in terms of safety and security, it's up to you how much you want to earn. And there's BULBmoji NFT, this is the feature that i think make's BULB app stand out from the crowd of Earn-To-Do sites, it's multiplier function makes it unique from other NFT's, it adds to the BULB token you will earn and you can sell it too, but why sell? I know BULB will grow and develop it's full potential, there are still more feature i think that is needed to be added like linking your social media account to your BULB account like a badge or icon, another development i think what is much needed is the built-in chat so members can send message to their followers and vice-versa or to the whole platform, like a micro-messaging app. I'm really glad i accidentally discovered BULB app a happy and fruitful accident.
Image below is my two week review.

BULB: The Future of Social Media in Web3

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