Fiber Foods and Their Importance for Health

18 Jan 2024

What is Fiber?

Fiber is a type of plant-based carbohydrate that cannot be completely broken down by the body, which has benefits such as promoting weight loss by keeping the intestines functioning properly, lowering blood sugar and improving heart health. Adults need 22 to 34 grams of fiber per day, depending on age and gender.

What are the benefits of fiber?

The benefits of fiber, which has many benefits from heart health to improving bowel movements, are as follows: Lowers cholesterol: Fiber helps reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol. Provides weight control: High fiber foods are generally low in calories, on the other hand, fiber helps the digestive system work better as it gives a feeling of fullness. Prevents constipation: Fiber helps speed up digestion, thus preventing constipation. The insoluble type of fiber allows it to add bulk to the digestive system because the body cannot digest it. Regulates blood sugar: Since fibrous foods cannot be broken down completely, the entry of glucose into the bloodstream is delayed. This helps maintain and control blood sugar levels. Reduces the risk of cancer: Apple's pectin, one of the fiber-containing foods, has antioxidant properties and can help prevent cancer, especially colon cancer.

Foods High In Fiber

  • Bread, pasta and breakfast cereals made from whole grain flour
  • Barley, rye, oats and foods produced from them
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, corn, cauliflower, carrots
  • Apple, citrus type fruits
  • Legumes such as peas, chickpeas, and beans
  • Nuts and seeds (like chia seeds)
  • It can be considered as a thin-skinned potato (when consumed without peeling).
  • If we consider the fiber content of foods in grams, 60 grams of broccoli contains approximately 3 grams of fiber, and a medium-skinned apple contains approximately 3 grams of fiber. A handful of almonds and sunflower seeds contain 3 grams of fiber, and walnuts contain 2 grams of fiber.
  • There is 6 grams of fiber in 60 grams of dried beans and 5 grams of fiber in lentils. One slice of whole grain bread contains 2 grams of fiber, while one slice of rye bread contains 2 grams of fiber. There are ready-made foods with enriched fiber content for people who have difficulty meeting the amount of fiber they need with these foods. It is also possible to meet daily needs by consuming fiber-enriched foods such as yoghurt, ice cream and snack bars.
  • A diet rich in fiber is one of the cornerstones of a healthy diet. However, it should not be forgotten that the content of a healthy diet should be arranged according to the person's age, gender, and any diseases he/she has.

What are the benefits of fibrous foods?

Eating foods rich in fiber has the following positive effects on the body:

  • Regulates Intestinal Movements: Fibrous foods increase stool volume and make the stool softer. In this way, the movement of intestinal contents becomes easier. Eating fibrous foods for people suffering from constipation can help increase bowel movements and relieve constipation. People who have diarrhea problems also benefit from fiber foods. These nutrients contribute to the normalization of stool structure, thanks to the water-retaining properties of fiber.
  • Improves Intestinal Health: Consuming foods containing high amounts of fiber reduces the risk of intestinal diseases such as hemorrhoids and diverticulitis. Fiber foods also have protective properties against some colorectal cancers.
  • Lowers Cholesterol Level: Consumption of foods containing soluble fiber helps reduce the total cholesterol level in the body by reducing LDL levels, known as 'bad' cholesterol. Fiber-rich foods also have different effects that positively affect heart health, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation.
  • Provides Blood Sugar Control: A diet rich in fiber, especially soluble fiber, in diabetic patients helps to increase blood sugar in a controlled manner by slowing down sugar absorption. Foods containing insoluble fiber may also be beneficial in preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.
  • Helps Maintain Ideal Weight: Fibrous foods provide a feeling of fullness more than non-fibrous foods and make the person feel full for a longer time. In this way, a person can feel full faster with fewer portions. Additionally, foods high in fiber generally contain fewer calories relative to volume. In this way, when high fiber foods are consumed, the same portion allows you to consume fewer calories than other foods.
  • Consumption of fiber foods is recommended after many medical operations and surgeries. Even after hair transplantation, consuming fibrous food and drinking plenty of fluids may be recommended by the physician. Because after any operation, healthy nutrition and fluid consumption may be important.

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