Mastering the Rowing Exercise: A Guide to Back Development

26 Jan 2024

Rowing is a great movement and practice by every people who want to develop their back.
This movement develops the back muscles and the entire posterior chain, which is put under tension by the hip flexion position.

Here are the main lignes!

-> The main muscles:
Large dorsal, large round, posterior deltoid, trapezius, rhomboid and biceps.

-> Posture:
Stand with knees slightly bent, buttocks back and chest inclined. Shoulder blades together, back flat, abdominal muscles engaged. The bar held in pronation (palms down) at least shoulder-width apart.

-> Execution:
Take an inspiration and flex the arms to pull the bar to the navel and return to the starting position with arms straight, controlling the descent, then exhale.

-> Tips:

  • To limit tension in the lower back it's possible to perform the exercise with the buttocks against a wall.
  • A supinated grip (palms up) accentuates the work on the upper part of the trapezius and biceps.

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