My home registration

11 May 2023

BUILDING CONTRACTOR MR. Vijay respectfully told me, Balasaheb, you are retired and if you are sure to give guidance, advice, you should serve in my Shantabhoomi Complex office. Accept my request. Hey, no man lasts. 40 people have resigned in four years. Tenants and block owners are arguing. The Shantabhoomi complex has been disturbed. I started serving. I got to know all the people in the flat. Many people knew me because of my hobby of acting in plays. poet, writer, Playwrights and actors were joining hands. Former manager Mr. I met Antoba Vikhare.

He said hey Balasaheb, now you will experience, hey these people come with some strange complaints. They escape and we get stuck. He had resigned in the dispute of floor no. 3 and 4 of tower no. 3 and I started service from there. A novice poet named 'Tukde' lived on the fourth floor. 'Kondubai interpreter' lived on the third floor below them. She also felt romantic and literary. He had a love for pieces. Antoba Vikhare had told me that Kondubai is an extract of genuine Dada Kondkas. The primary master who taught him Marathi was 'Totra' by birth. Therefore, the lady does not stutter but breaks the sentences anywhere. Karta, Karma, Verb order according to their will. They decide by themselves where to put full stop, short pause, short pause, and rest between the words of the sentence. That makes the listener's life miserable. In that first meeting she called me poor, really I asked, but she said poor. Poor you said 'May' and waited, after a while he started working. I mean the simple sentence, poor man, you died and got a job. I said, "Yes, that's right, but my name is Vichre." And she said, "Ish, hey, what's wrong with putting a little horizontal line in the V of Vichre? And you poor people feel better. You bastards!" And the next day, I pressed the bell button outside Kondubai's closed door. Opening the door like that, she said, "How many do you press?" I said "How are you? What was going on?" The lady said, "What's going on? Oh! It's afternoon, no light, the heat is high. I was lying on the floor... and 'he'... was lying on the bed with his arms stretched out. No idea, never, where, how. I fall asleep. I am not like that. I used to fall asleep slowly, having fun, laughing - playing, doing some chala and the lady was smiling.

I just said "Wow! Then some news Anything new?" The woman mumbled, "I hear it every day." I said in surprise 'So?' The lady swallowed hard and said "Come in!" But slowly, why 'this' has spread. has fallen. That means they are completely asleep, even if the bell rings, it is impossible to wake up, but if it is too late, then it is dangerous. Instantly stiff... Manene says 'tea', it has to be boiled immediately, don't you think this thing is old. Listen, Navi tells me, I was cleaning the bathroom and heard the water in the tap! You are locked in a tap, someone opened you with a hand, you are exposed to curry. I said, 'Woman!' So she said, "No lady, say Kondubai." "Do you mind saying Kondubai?" You are the manager, speak properly, that is Kondubai. I said, "Kondubai, what is this tap water." So she said, "Sangte, listen. So they made me sit on the sofa. Look, Saheb Bala, I mean Bala Saheb, on me... He lives in 'pieces', not a single part of him is continuous. All in pieces. He is a 'newcomer'. He writes poetry on anything. Old on new and new on old, and he does all the poetry in the bathroom, while taking a shower. Today's bathroom The poem was 'On the Pan.' The poet was saying... "My pan becomes thick, hot late, Ignite it with the spark of your touch, then let the honeycombs be roasted, by turning the vomit." I said, "What kind of poetry?" Hey Balaji! Such is his delivery, said the woman. I said to them, why do you listen to these poems? The woman breathed. Balajipant, the situation is the same. Right above my bathroom is a bathroom of pieces. His pipe goes down my hole, it's broken. So the poetic word waves of the piece can be heard very clearly in my bathroom as the water flows.

One cannot take a bath without calling the piece a poem. It's my turn... I mean, after we take a bath, it's my turn to take a bath, and it's always the same time for a piece of Mahasnaam. Now he's upstairs and I'm downstairs, in my bathroom, so I have to listen to poetry. Then "You should get the pipe repaired." She quickly said, "Why should I repair the broken pipe?" I also told the pieces, pieces, you change your leaky pipe that comes into my bathroom. On that, he spoke in vain. I would first inspect your whole bathroom and try if I feel like doing something like that. I asked the woman, "Kondubai! Do those pieces know that you listen to pieces of their poetry?" The woman shouted, "Oh! If so! Well known. And as I present his wife as a complete poem, she does not allow the fragment to speak a single word of his poetry in the house." Once while I was taking a bath, Tushika's wife came into his bathroom and was abusing Tushika endlessly. She seems to have taken a course in Indian and foreign language. At the end she shouted, beware! If you are really wise then answer this poetry riddle of mine. Otherwise tap bath off! And entered the code... And the lady stopped. They were staring at me. Then I cut my eyes and said, "Hey! Sounds a bit vulgar." That woman said, what a baby! What obscene! And what is pure and impure? Everything is in the body. Some parts of the body feel better covered and others look better uncovered. There is a net of writings in the head-lotus, greedy antelopes come in sight, spiders are stuck in the nose. Reddish lips have sputum inside, young ears have lumps of feces. Just below the belly is the farm. Baby, I outlined to you the reality within the beauty above. Actually, the inner beauty is to be seen. Ah, there is a real beautiful poem in this puzzle. Even after eight days, the piece could not answer this riddle, its faucet was turned off as if I went up to the piece and said, Hey! Pieces, still unable to answer the wife's riddle. Two brothers are strong! Khunt Pakke tells you the answer between the two. The answer is the 'method' of grinding grains at home. One plate is fixed, one plate rotates. One to the 'khunta' side, one to the middle. The lady takes hold of a stick and spins it while a plate spins and then it turns into flour and the brothers cry. He was totally shocked and said, Kondubai, why are you listening to our private conversation? So I said, I don't hear, I hear. Bawlat, crazy, loose, taklu, zara uchtanan, bombil. These pieces burst apart. Some were going to speak but I said, I did not speak, your wife speaks to you every day and I have to listen. This is because of your pitch black pipe. That change means silence at home and the lady stopped. In the meantime, the pieces of the fourth floor started peeking through the door and the lady said, "Ya s. Da. Come in pieces, whole. Sadanand Damodar", the full name of the piece and the piece spoke in one breath, "Kondubai Interpreter ! Show me your pipe, I have come with a pipe." Then I also had to say "Mr. Great pieces! You took action immediately! Now without your poems falling on the ears of Kondubai..." the woman said in between, "they will go into the sewers of the corporation." That's how he said, "He will live." Hold on." And the woman said teasingly, "Ah, poet, that is the way. Your pipe will not go into any assembly. This is how bathroom poetry ends." The poet was silent and the lady said, "Come on, this is too much. I have to get ready. To make tea." Now you both take.. tea. of genuine milk. And the 'he' of the lady came near us and said, what Balasaheb and Mr. pieces you? What were you doing while I was sleeping? Who did she kiss? I said "Mr. Interpreter!" On that he said, "Hey Dubhashi, this is my wife's previous name. I am modest." Tomorrow is the result of our divorce then she is going to leave me and marry Eknath Multilingual. And at the same time Kondubai came with a full cup of tea and said "quickly hold my..." favorite cup of tea. See how I taste? That is the taste of tea. And came and said Balasaheb! My first house was on the seventh floor of Mr. equal to starvation. Later in the year, yarn gathered with Mokashi on the sixth floor. Fifth time climbing the stairs in a year and a half Interpreters on the floor were introduced and in a year and a half these soft spoken people were introduced. Morning walk. This visit is my secret of marriage that Bahubhashi reached me from the second floor. Pandits of Kashi have said that I will have relationship with people of all twelve zodiac signs. Eleven Rasi are completed now one Rasi 'Taurus' is left. And she asked me, "Balaji what is your Rasa?" So I became cautious because Balasaheb's B, O, E is 'Taurus'. I ran away without drinking tea and handed 'my resignation' to the groundnuts..

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