Fuel Consumption Overloaded.

4 Apr 2024

Fuel works like food for all kind of transportation / industries/ mining and power generation. It is a compulsory part to run the economy smoothly and let wheel in move.

Let's talk in automobile sector which is most common in every country and has around 65% share of total fuel consumption. Vehicle manufacturing companies have their major attention on milage of their units because costumers always keep eye on vehicle's milage. Fuel consumption generally measured by fuel consumed by a car on each 100 KM travel. So they test it again and again the milage and then present in market for sales.
Any vehicle consume fuel on base of various factors like it's design, weight, tires, engine power capacity and extra luxuries. Car's design like a top back and eagled shape will consume less fuel then a wide shape one. Weight of vehicle also matters because load has affect on fuel burning , align and thin tires also ease the traveling, fuel pressure pump of vehicle also matters and the engine power which mainly we see in CC like 1800cc , 2000cc where CC counts as cubic centimeters ( It refers to the amount of air and fuel that can be pushed through the cylinders in the engine).

Why fuel consumption overloaded in poor countries?
It is theme for the day when I come to know that my home land is in 112th ranking in average milage of vehicles. Why? It is big concern for any poor country that import bill of fuel increasing each month without increasing same ratio of vehicle's numbers.

There are several reasons behind in this case that fuel bill overloaded and killing the balance of budget. Like,

Driving Habits.
It is unfortunate thing in most of poor countries that people start driving without proper training and authorized driving licence. So they never know the basics of good driving which is essential element to reduce the fuel consumption. Semi skilled drivers especially kids for schools and loaders drive with some bad attitude. Like over speeding, one wheeling, sudden acceleration, Quick braking and idling are causes which sinks fuel.

Vehicle models & conditions.
Old models , unauthorized dealership, low quality service and spare parts, illiterate mechanics are another reason of high fuel consumption. Child labor & uncertified lubrication is part of it too.

One of the biggest reason is overloading on vehicles which causes in more fuel consumption. It is truth that more weight especially more the authorized by manufacturing company will cause damage on engine, tires and fuel. But due to low control by police, bribery and less implementation of traffic & load laws made it worse.

Road conditions and gasoline quality.
Poor countries mostly have low quality infrastructure of roads and bridges. Uneven, damaged, broken and muddy roads not allowed vehicles to move smoothly which ultimately caused to high consumption of fuel. Gasoline quality is never a satisfied thing where low production gasoline came on market for sale. Smuggling and blended gasoline which mashed with local one

Weather & geographic conditions.
My home land have vast mountains where zigzags and uphills are common which also a reason for extra consumption of fuel then floods, rains made roads more worst to travel which ends on more fuel consumption.

That's all for today.
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