What is a Tsunami called and how does it come?

29 Mar 2023

In an earthquake occurs, the ground shakes and when this earthquake occurs on the surface of the sea, it is called a tsunami. Simply put, the earthquake that occurs on the ground under the sea is called a tsunami. This storm is known as Tsunami in Japan.
India has also seen this tsunami very closely and there was a lot of destruction in the coastal parts of South India.

Since then people talk a lot about this natural disaster and that’s why today we will know through this post what is called tsunami, what is its reason i.e. how it comes and what is meant by tsunami?

Many natural disasters affect the earth naturally since or since the earth was formed.

But it is necessary for humans to avoid these disasters so that they can win their life safely.

Know in detail through this post what is a tsunami and what are the measures to avoid it?

What is Tsunami?
A series of huge waves arising in the ocean, which is generated due to the sudden displacement of water, is called a tsunami. Tsunami is a Japanese word made up of two words Tsu and Nami.

The meaning of the word Tsunami is thus Tsu – port, nami – wave. To say the meaning of this whole word, there are high waves rising on the port.

We all know about earthquakes, but let me tell you that the earthquake which arises from inside the sea, due to this the waves of the sea become very high and it reaches the shores at a very high speed, this is called tsunami. goes.

Most of the time, tsunamis come due to earthquakes coming under the sea. Apart from this, events like meteorites and volcanic eruptions also cause tsunamis.

Tsunamis are energy waves which are very strong and move very fast from their place of origin.

You can see its effect by using it yourself. When you throw a piece of stone in a pond, you will see that small waves reach the shore at a high speed.

When an earthquake occurs in the deep surface under the sea, it is hardly able to generate a wave till the surface, but as it reaches near the shore, its strength increases.

Because the energy that is there, it accumulates and goes on increasing, which results in terrible and destructive waves.
Tsunami is defined as the seismic sea and series of waves which is produced due to displacement of water because of earthquake inside sea.

Tsunami waves initially are not of so much of height but as it travels near to the ports its height increases and becomes dangerous waves which is very powerful.H
ow do Tsunamis originate?
The main reason for the occurrence of tsunami is the earthquake arising on the bottom of the sea.

Apart from this, tsunamis arise due to some other events such as land slide, volcanic eruption etc.

It does not arise due to the gravity of the moon or the wind. The energy that occurs due to an earthquake on the sea level reaches the water on the surface of the sea and due to this waves are formed.

Some earthquakes are such that the tsunami spreads in all directions, while some earthquakes are such that due to which the tsunami increases in intensity in only one direction.

It completely depends on what kind of effect the earthquake has given on the sea level.

A tsunami can reach coastal areas within hours or minutes, depending on how far the epicenter is from the sea shore and the intensity of the earthquake.

If the earthquake is very strong and it has come very close to the shore of the sea, then in just a few minutes it can reach the coast and bring great destruction.

When a tsunami moves from a deep water area to a shallow coastal area, it sometimes increases in size due to the different strength and characteristics of the sea level and land.

This is the reason that the wave which is small in general, when it hits the ground, then the size and strength becomes very fierce.

Reasons to Tsunami
The occurrence of earthquakes on the sea surface: There is only one reason for this natural disaster, when the situation of earthquake arises on the surface of the sea, then its effect is generated.

High intensity of earthquake: If the effect of earthquake is very less then it is limited to only around the center. It cannot exert its influence for long.

But to generate a tsunami, the intensity of the earthquake must also be high. So in this way this natural disaster arises due to strong earthquake.

Volcanic Eruptions: Many huge volcanoes also occur under the sea. If there is an explosion in the ground, it creates the situation of an earthquake. This also becomes the cause of tsunami.

Landslide: Sometimes the ground slips from its place. Due to this also tsunami waves are generated.
How do Tsunamis originate?
The main reason for the occurrence of tsunami is the earthquake arising on the bottom of the sea.

Apart from this, tsunamis arise due to some other events such as land slide, volcanic eruption etc.

It does not arise due to the gravity of the moon or the wind. The energy that occurs due to an earthquake on the sea level reaches the water on the surface of the sea and due to this waves are formed.

Some earthquakes are such that the tsunami spreads in all directions, while some earthquakes are such that due to which the tsunami increases in intensity in only one direction.

It completely depends on what kind of effect the earthquake has given on the sea level.

A tsunami can reach coastal areas within hours or minutes, depending on how far the epicenter is from the sea shore and the intensity of the earthquake.

If the earthquake is very strong and it has come very close to the shore of the sea, then in just a few minutes it can reach the coast and bring great destruction.

When a tsunami moves from a deep water area to a shallow coastal area, it sometimes increases in size due to the different strength and characteristics of the sea level and land.

This is the reason that the wave which is small in general, when it hits the ground, then the size and strength becomes very fierce.
Reasons to Tsunami
The occurrence of earthquakes on the sea surface: There is only one reason for this natural disaster, when the situation of earthquake arises on the surface of the sea, then its effect is generated.

High intensity of earthquake: If the effect of earthquake is very less then it is limited to only around the center. It cannot exert its influence for long.

But to generate a tsunami, the intensity of the earthquake must also be high. So in this way this natural disaster arises due to strong earthquake.

Volcanic Eruptions: Many huge volcanoes also occur under the sea. If there is an explosion in the ground, it creates the situation of an earthquake. This also becomes the cause of tsunami.

Landslide: Sometimes the ground slips from its place. Due to this also tsunami waves are generated.

When did Tsunami hit India?
You must have known how much devastation caused by tsunami in India, but do you know when the tsunami came in India and what was the intensity of the earthquake that came on the sea level causing tsunami at that time.

On 26 December 2004, nature showed how powerful it is when humans faced a very devastating natural disaster in the form of tsunami.

On this day, apart from India, in many countries, it caused such a catastrophe, which took a long time for many countries to compensate and even today there are many such countries which have not been able to recover from the damage caused by this disaster.

The date of 26 December is famous in the calendar of the world as a great catastrophe which took many breaths and also caused a huge loss of money.

The earthquake started in the coastal region of the Indian Ocean, whose intensity was estimated at about 9.15 on the Richter scale.

Due to this, the tsunami that arose showed the whole world a very terrible scene. More than 2 lakh people lost their lives in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand.

Do you know why this number had become so high because it was the end of the year and most people like to go to such seaside areas to celebrate the happiness of the new year.

The same thing happened at that time also in the coastal areas of all these countries, a lot of tourists were present at that time.

Although a warning of an impending tsunami had been given, it was not anticipated that it would be so powerful. Its effect was so much that a huge number of people’s property was damaged.

Many people also tried to run away from this disaster to save their lives but alas they could not escape. The view there was so tragic that one gets goosebumps. There only dead bodies were visible.

It caused havoc in India, but apart from this, most of the damage was done in Indonesia and after that in Sri Lanka too many people died. A total of 13 countries have been affected by this and more than four lakh houses have been destroyed. It took a huge amount of $ 13.6 billion to complete this day
ays to Avoid Tsunami
Every person living in the coastal areas should be aware of the damage caused by it and should be aware of it.

One should be alert by receiving alerts issued by the National Weather Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of America.

So let’s know that when you are in an area where a tsunami is about to hit, how to avoid it and protect yourself as well as your family, home and animals.

1. Find out about Tsunamis
Talk about Tsunami with your family and friends so that its awareness can reach everyone. Get every fact from those who have good knowledge about it.

If you do not talk to each other, then there will be some people in the house who will not know that this is a natural disaster. Explain it in simple language so that the child can know about it.

2. Identify the Danger Zone
You should be well aware that whether your home, office, school, college and the place where you go regularly comes in the tsunami danger zone or not.

Also, find out how far your road is from the beach and at the same time it is also important to know how high the road used for your daily travel is above sea level.

Based on the data of these, you can evacuate your immediate place in time at the time of such disaster.

3. Be aware of the services provided in times of disaster
If a child in your house studies in school, then whether the area of ​​his school falls in the tsunami zone or not, as well as be aware of the emergency service and evacuation plan.

It will be easy for you when you need to move the baby from one place to another.

4. Keep Received Notifications
Keep trying to find NOAA weather information via radio and TV.

Take a decision based on the caution and alerts received from there and make arrangements for rescue.

5. Practice freeing up space
Keep practicing it so that you do not have to face much problem at the time of removal, due to this, children and old people can be taken to a safe place at the time of displacement of the child.

6. Expect the Aftershock
When major earthquakes occur, they act as a trigger for tsunamis. Whenever the earthquake stops, try to take your family members to a higher place away from the beach.
7. Don’t delay in clearing the space
At the time of natural calamities, instead of using their own intelligence, they depend only on the government, due to which they suffer losses in such a situation.

If you use your own mind at such a time, then danger can be avoided.

A tsunami can reach the coast in minutes, so take your own decision at that time and act wisely and decide to vacate the place yourself to avoid it and do not depend on anyone.

8. Earthquake is the cause of Tsunami
When an earthquake starts, it lasts for 20 seconds or more. In times like these, you have to find ways to hold and cover.

Try to avoid earthquake shock by lying on the ground, going under a table or wooden desk.

Tsunami is such a natural calamity that even imagining it creates fear in the mind of a human being.

But it is better to be afraid than to know What is Tsunami? and what is the way to avoid it and what is the meaning of tsunami.

In such a situation, you can protect yourself in time only by paying attention to information and alerts.

Here we have given complete information about how tsunami comes and what is its main reason, so that you can help yourself as well as other people and save your family members.

Now you must have understood that what is a tsunami disaster and how did it originate?

Do give us your opinion through the comment so that we know that you have understood Tsunami better

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