WHEN, if not now?

29 Nov 2022

Believing in oneself has always been one of the hardest things to do. This disbelief always comes with a heavy price, it limits you and fills your head with doubts. Time flies and you eventually end up doing nothing then regret sets in.

They say "A journey of thousand miles begins with one step", then every step you eventually take piles up to become a thousand then ten thousand. You will never honestly know the outcome of something if you do not start at least.

In mind "there has never been a you", you are the first version of yourself. The extent you can go is unimaginable if you set your mind to it. Stop doubting yourself, and start something, if you fail: no problem TRY AGAIN.

Someday if the future, you will be happy you never gave up. You deserve all the good things in life. Remember this.

Avoid procrastination !!
You have got this

There has never been a better time other than NOW !

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