Bible verse for life situations

3 Oct 2022

  In all you do seek God, here are some bible verses to help in trying times;
Afraid .......................................... Psa 34:4; Matt 10:28; II Tim 1:7; Heb 13:5,6
Anxious ...................................... Psa 46; Matt 6:19-34; Phil 4:6; I Peter 5:6,7
Backsliding ................................. Psa 51; I John 1:4-9
Bereaved .................................... Matt 5:4; II Cor 1:3,4
Bitter or Critical ........................... I Cor 13
Conscious of Sin ........................ Prov 28:13
Defeated ..................................... Rom 8:31-39
Depressed .................................. Psa 34
Disaster Threatens ..................... Psa 91; Psa 118:5,6; Luke 8:22-25
Discouraged ............................... Psa 23; Psa 42:6-11; Psa 55:22; Matt 5:11,12; II Cor 4:8-18; Phil 4:4-7
Doubting ..................................... Matt 8:26; Heb 11
Facing a Crisis ........................... Psa 121; Matt 6:25-34; Heb 4:16
Faith Fails ................................... Psa 42:5; Heb 11
Friends Fail ................................ Psa 41:9-13; Luke 17:3,4; Rom 12:14,17,19,21; II Tim 4:16-18
Leaving Home ............................ Psa 121; Matt 10:16-20
Lonely ......................................... Psa 23; Heb 13:5,6
Needing God’s Protection .......... Psa 27:1-6; Psa 91; Phil 4:19
Needing Guidance ...................... Psa 32:8; Prov 3:5,6
Needing Peace ........................... John 14:1-4; John 16-33; Rom 5:1-5; Phil 4:6,7
Needing Rules for Living ............ Rom 12
Overcome ................................... Psa 6; Rom 8:31-39; I John 1:4-9
Prayerful ..................................... Psa 4, 42; Luke 11:1-13; John 17; 1 John 5:14,15
Protected .................................... Psa 18:1-3; Psa 34:7
Sick or in Pain ............................ Psa 38; Matt 26:39; Rom 5:3-5; II Cor 12:9,10; I Pet 4:12,13,19
Sorrowful .................................... Psa 51; Matt 5:4; John 14; II Cor 1:3,4; I Thess 4:13-18
Tempted ..................................... Psa 1; Psa 139:23,24; Matt 26:41; 1 Cor 10:12-14; Phil 4:8
Thankful ..................................... Psa 100; I Thess 5:18; Heb 13:15
Traveling .................................... Psa 121
Trouble, in .................................. Psa 16; Psa 31; John 14:1-4; Heb 7:25
Weary ......................................... Psa 90; Matt 11:28-30; I Cor 15:58; Gal 6:9,10
Worried ....................................... Matt 6:19-34; I Pet 5:6,7

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