A newer dawn

29 Sept 2022

I'm really thrilled for my neighbor, who recently put to birth. Since they have been married for almost 22 years, their home has not heard the cry of a baby. I'm sorry for Mrs. Timmy. She is the director of a daycare on the outskirts of the city, so you can imagine how she feels every day watching little children running around her while she is childless. I occasionally see Mr. Timmy, the silent man—as everyone in the neighborhood refers to him—sitting outside his home with his head in his hands. He is likely in his late forties. Mr. Timmy is a wonderful man, and goodness is what he earned. He frequently affirmed that God would hear his silent prayers. I think God has already done it through a crying child of his own.

References (Example)

[1] <name>, '<title>' (online, <year>) <link>.
[2] BULB, 'Write to Earn. Read to Earn' (online, 2022) <https://www.bulbapp.io/>

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