27 Evidence-Based Natural Health and Nutrition Tips

7 Apr 2024

If you want to improve your health and well-being, there are numerous natural and home remedies to choose from, including avoiding charred meats and added sugars and practicing meditation.
Even qualified experts frequently appear to disagree on what is healthy. This makes it difficult to determine what you should be doing to improve your health.
Despite these disagreements, research backs up a number of wellness tips.

Here are 27 scientifically validated health and nutrition tips.

1. Limit sugary beverages.

Sugary beverages like sodas, fruit juices, and sweetened teas are the primary source of added sugar in the American diet.
Unfortunately, findings from several studies show that sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, even in people who do not carry excess body fat.
Sugar-sweetened beverages are also uniquely harmful for children, as they can contribute not only to obesity in children but also to conditions that typically do not develop until adulthood, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Healthier options include:

Options for beverages include
unsweetened tea
sparkling water
and coffee.

2. Consume nuts and seeds.

Some people avoid nuts due to their high fat content. However, nuts and seeds are extremely nutritious. They are high in protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals Nuts can help you lose weight and lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Furthermore, one large observational study found that a low intake of nuts and seeds could be linked to an increased risk of death from heart disease, stroke, or type 2 diabetes.

3. Steer clear of highly processed food.

Foods labeled as ultra-processed (UPFs) have ingredients that have undergone significant modification from their original state. They frequently include preservatives, artificial sweeteners, added sugar, highly refined oil, salt, colors, and flavors.
A few examples are snack cakes.
frozen meals from fast food
bundled chips and cookies
Because UPFs are so delicious, it's easy to overindulge in them and they stimulate brain regions linked to rewards, which can result in consuming too many calories and gaining weight. Research indicates that eating a lot of ultra-processed food can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and other chronic illnesses.
They typically contain poor-quality ingredients (refined oils, added sugar, and refined grains) as well as little protein, fiber, and micronutrients. As a result, they mostly offer empty calories.

4. Have no fear of coffee

Coffee is very beneficial to health, although there is some controversy around it.
Coffee has been associated in some studies to longevity, a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and a host of other illnesses. It is also high in antioxidants.
It seems that consuming 3-5 cups of it daily is the most beneficial amount, but pregnant women should limit or stay away from it entirely as it has been related to low birth weight
Coffee and other products containing caffeine should, however, be consumed in moderation. Heart palpitations and insomnia are two health problems that can result from consuming too much caffeine. Limit your coffee consumption to less than 4 cups per day to enjoy it safely and healthily.

6. Get adequate rest.

It is impossible to overestimate the significance of getting adequate good sleep.
Insufficient sleep can lead to insulin resistance, interfere with hormones that regulate hunger, and impair both your physical and mental abilities. Furthermore, one of the biggest individual risk factors for weight gain and obesity is getting too little sleep. People who don't get enough sleep typically choose foods that are higher in calories, fat, and sugar, which can result in unintended weight gain.

7. Give your gut bacteria something to eat.

The gut microbiota, or the collection of bacteria in your digestive tract, is crucial to your general health.
Obesity and a wide range of digestive issues are among the chronic diseases that are associated with a disruption in gut flora.
Consuming fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, taking probiotic supplements when necessary, and getting plenty of fiber are all beneficial approaches to enhance gut health. Interestingly, fiber feeds your gut bacteria and acts as a prebiotic.

8. Continue to drink water

One significant but frequently disregarded indicator of health is hydration. Maintaining adequate blood volume and optimal bodily function can be achieved by staying hydrated. The greatest method to stay hydrated is to drink water, which has no calories, sugar, or additives.
Drink enough to sufficiently slake your thirst, even though there isn't a certain amount that each person needs to consume each day.

9. Steer clear of highly charred meats.

A wholesome and nutrient-dense component of your diet can be meat. It has a high protein content and is nutrient-rich. But when meat burns or gets charred, problems arise. This burning may cause toxic substances to form, which could raise your risk of developing some types of cancer. Aim to avoid burning or scorching meat when cooking it. Additionally, cut back on your intake of processed and red meats, such as bacon and lunch meats, as these have been related to an increased risk of colon cancer as well as general cancer.

10. Before going to bed, stay away from bright lights

Your body's ability to produce the sleep hormone melatonin may be interfered with in the evening by bright lights, which contain wavelengths of blue light. Wearing blue light-blocking glasses is one way to help lower your exposure to blue light, especially if you use a computer or other digital screen for extended periods of time. Another is to avoid using digital screens for 30 to 60 minutes before bed. As night falls, this can improve your body's natural production of melatonin, which will improve your quality of sleep.

11. If you don't get enough vitamin D, take it.

Vitamin D deficiency is common among most people. Maintaining appropriate vitamin D levels can help to optimize your health by strengthening your immune system, lowering your risk of cancer, improving bone strength, and reducing symptoms of depression, even though these widespread vitamin D deficiencies are not immediately harmful. Your levels of vitamin D may be low if you do not get enough sunlight.

It's a good idea to have your levels checked if you have access to one so you can adjust your levels with vitamin D supplements if needed.

12. Consume a lot of fruits and veggies.

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and prebiotic fiber, many of which have powerful health benefits.

Research indicates that individuals with higher fruit and vegetable intake live longer and are less likely to suffer from obesity, heart disease, and other diseases.

13. Consume enough protein.

Consuming adequate protein is essential for good health because it gives your body the building blocks it needs to produce new tissues and cells. Furthermore, maintaining a moderate body weight depends heavily on this nutrient.
A high-protein diet can help you feel fuller and increase your metabolic rate, or how many calories you burn. Additionally, it might lessen your need to eat late at night and curb cravings.

14. Get in motion

One of the best things you can do for both your physical and mental health is to engage in aerobic exercise, also known as cardio.
It works especially well to reduce belly fat, which is the dangerous kind of fat that accumulates around your organs. Your metabolic health may significantly improve if you lose belly fat. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans state that we should aim for 150 minutes or more per week of moderate-intensity exercise.

15. Abstain from drugs and tobacco, and limit your alcohol intake.

Addiction to alcohol, dangerous drug use, and smoking can all have detrimental effects on one's health.
To help lower your risk of chronic diseases, think about reducing or stopping any of these activities. To assist with this, there are resources available both online and probably in your neighborhood. Consult your physician to find out more about how to use resources.

16. Apply extra virgin olive oil

One of the healthiest vegetable oils you can use is extra virgin olive oil. It's packed with monounsaturated fats, which are good for the heart, and potent antioxidants with anti-inflammatory qualities. According to some evidence, people who consume extra virgin olive oil have a lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes, which may benefit heart health.

17. Reduce your consumption of sugar

These days, added sugar is a common ingredient in many foods and beverages. Increased consumption is associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. The World Health Organization suggests reducing added sugar consumption to 5% of daily calories or less for optimal health, while the Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise consuming added sugars no more than 10% of daily calories.

18. Cut back on refined carbohydrates

Carbs are not all made equal.
The fiber from refined carbohydrates has been extensively processed out. They have comparatively few nutrients and, if consumed in excess, can be harmful to your health. The majority of ultra-processed foods are composed of refined carbohydrates such as white flour, processed corn, and added sugars.
Research indicates that eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates may increase the risk of weight gain, overeating, and chronic illnesses like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

19. Use weightlifting

Among the best types of exercise to build muscle and enhance your body composition are strength and resistance training.
Additionally, it might result in significant enhancements to metabolic health, such as increased resting metabolic rate (the amount of calories burned) and enhanced insulin sensitivity, which makes controlling blood sugar levels easier. If you don't have any weights, you can still get a similar workout with many of the same advantages by using resistance bands or your own bodyweight to create resistance.
Resistance training is advised by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans twice a week.

20. Steer clear of man-made trans fats

Man-made trans fats are dangerous and have a strong correlation with heart disease and inflammation. Now that they are outright prohibited in the US and many other nations, avoiding them ought to be lot simpler. Although some foods may still contain trace amounts of naturally occurring trans fats, these do not have the same detrimental effects as trans fats that are manufactured.

21. Make liberal use of spices and herbs

More than ever, we have access to a wide range of herbs and spices these days. They may have various health advantages in addition to adding flavor. For instance, the strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of ginger and turmeric may enhance your general health. You should strive to incorporate a wide variety of herbs and spices into your diet because of their potent potential health benefits.

22. Take care of your social connections

Social relationships, including those with friends, family, and loved ones, are crucial for both your physical and mental health.
According to studies, those with close friends and family have better health and live longer than those without.

23. Periodically monitor your food consumption

Some people might find it helpful to use a nutrition tracker and a food scale to determine how many calories they consume. Monitoring can also reveal information about the amount of fiber, protein, and micronutrients you consume. Tracking has been linked to disordered eating tendencies, even though it may help some people manage their weight. Consult a physician before utilizing this tactic.

24. Eliminate extra abdominal fat

Visceral fat, or excessive abdominal fat, is a particularly dangerous kind of fat distribution that is associated with a higher risk of cardiometabolic illnesses like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Because of this, your waist-to-hip ratio and waist size may be far more reliable indicators of health than your weight.
You may be able to lose belly fat by cutting back on refined carbohydrates, increasing your intake of protein and fiber, and managing your stress levels, which can lower cortisol, the stress hormone that causes the deposition of belly fat.

25. Steer clear of restrictive diets

Diets are rarely successful in the long run and are usually ineffective. Actually, one of the best indicators of future weight gain is past dieting. This is due to the fact that extremely restrictive diets actually make it harder to lose weight by lowering your metabolic rate, or the number of calories you burn. Additionally, they alter your hormones that control hunger and satiety, making you feel more peckish and possibly triggering intense cravings for foods heavy in fat, calories, and sugar. This is all a recipe for "yoyo" dieting, or rebound weight gain.
Consider leading a healthier lifestyle as an alternative to dieting. Rather than starving your body, concentrate on feeding it.
Loss of weight should occur when you switch to complete, nourishing

26. Consume entire eggs

It's a myth that eggs are unhealthy due to their high cholesterol content, despite the ongoing debate about eggs and health. Research indicates that their impact on blood cholesterol levels is negligible for most individuals, and they serve as an excellent supply of protein and essential nutrients. Furthermore, a review including 263,938 individuals discovered no correlation between egg consumption and the risk of heart disease.

27. Take a moment to meditate

Your health is negatively impacted by stress. It may have an impact on your blood sugar levels, dietary preferences, vulnerability to illness, weight, distribution of fat, and other factors. Thus, it's critical to develop healthy coping mechanisms for your stress. One such method is meditation, which has been shown to be effective in reducing stress and enhancing health. In a study with 48 participants who had either type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or both, researchers discovered that meditation reduced inflammation and LDL (bad) cholesterol when compared to the control group. Furthermore, those who took part in the meditation group reported feeling better physically and mentally.

Your eating habits and general wellness can be greatly enhanced by taking a few easy steps.
Nevertheless, you shouldn't limit your efforts to leading a healthier lifestyle to what you put in your mouth. Other essentials include social interactions, sleep, and exercise.
Using the aforementioned evidence-based advice, making minor adjustments that can significantly improve your general health is simple.

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