Pain away from pain
I set off looking to get wasted
So wasted I wouldn’t know my name lol
I already hinted that much to my friends
The funny thing is that only one person amongst the three knew I was dealing with stuff and she kept a hawk eye on me so I wouldn’t do anything stupid
Twenty minutes in, that’s when I saw her
It only took that few minutes for me to be completely uninhibited
All of them knew
When I tell people this is how it affects me, no one, unless they’ve been there before never truly understands
I told this girl, let’s call her “C” and she was like uh pfft close your mind you’ll get over it
She was in a similar situation last week and she came to hug me and she said she understands
I felt like I was falling without anyone to lean on
Mostly I’m disappointed in myself to be so actively insecure, because of words said, and actions made
I’ve been dealing dealing
School, life
At least when I saw her
It was a welcome pain away from pain