16 Jan 2024

Hello everyone, today I will give you information about the art of marbling, which is one of the Turkish traditional and historical arts. This art is a very important and valuable art for the Turkish society.

Marbling is a traditional Turkish art and is a decorative art based on dropping colored ink onto the surface of the water and creating unique patterns between these drops. Marbling art holds an important place in Turkish culture and is often used for book covers, invitations, greeting cards and other decorative purposes. Here is some basic information about the art of marbling:


  1. Materials: Water:
  • The basic material of marbling art is water. Ink dropped on the water surface spreads in this environment and creates patterns.
  • Ink (Dyes): In marbling art, special marbling inks or paints mixed with water are generally used.
  • Paper or Cardboard: Marbling patterns are generally transferred to absorbent materials such as paper or cardboard.


  1. Marbling Techniques:
  • Traditional Marbling (Neyzen Tezhip ): In this technique, ink spreads on the surface and creates various patterns. These patterns are then transferred onto paper or another material.


  • Comb Marbling:

A technique in which a comb is used to make patterns more distinct.

  • Suminagashi (Japanese Marbling):

In this technique, which is similar to the Japanese art of marbling, inks dropped on the surface of the water flow freely and are then transferred to the paper.


  • Marbling Embroidery (Hatip Ebru):

In this technique, marbling patterns are later detailed with calligraphy (pencil).

  1. Patterns and Motifs:
  • Patterns used in marbling art generally include nature-inspired elements such as flowers, leaves, geometric shapes, wavy lines and abstract compositions.
  • Each marbling artist develops his or her own style and adds personal touches to traditional patterns.


  1. Meaning of Ebru Art:
  • Marbling is a decorative art that requires careful handcrafting and in which the artist can display his creativity.
  • Traditionally, symmetry, balance and elegance are at the forefront in marbling works.

  1. Marbling Artists:
  • Masters of traditional marbling art are generally called "Ebru Masters". Many people who masterfully perform this art have a respected position in Turkish culture.

Marbling art is a branch of art that combines visual beauty and creativity. Artists create unique and impressive works by skillfully using color, water and movement.

  1. Marbling art turns into unique and beautiful works in the hands of many talented artists. Here are some artists who are considered important in marbling art:

  • Hatip Mehmed Efendi (18. Yüzyıl): Ebru sanatının önemli ustalarından biri olarak kabul edilen Hatip Mehmed Efendi, Osmanlı döneminde yaşamış ve geleneksel ebru tekniklerini ustalıkla icra etmiştir.

  • Itrî (1640–1712): Itrî, one of the musicians and artists of the Ottoman Empire, also showed interest in the art of marbling. Include the details of the art of marbling in a work written by yourself.

  • Şebek Ahmet Pasha (18th Century): Şebek Ahmet Pasha, one of the marbling masters of the Ottoman period, contributed to the preservation of the traditional art of marbling and carried out distribution and training activities.

  • Emin Barın (1901–1987): Emin Barın, one of the important names of Turkish marbling art in the 20th century, is a marbling artist known not only in Turkey but also internationally.

  • Niyazi Sayın (1937–2007): Turkish painter and marbling artist Niyazi Sayın is one of the pioneers of modern marbling art. He combined the traditional marbling technique with the understanding of contemporary art and produced internationally important works.

  • Hikmet Barutçugil (1940–2017): Hikmet Barutçugil, one of the master names of Turkish marbling art, combined traditional marbling technique with contemporary art and participated in many national and international exhibitions.

  • Galip Maraşlı (1948–2004): Galip Maraşlı was an artist who produced original and modern works by maintaining the traditional techniques of marbling art. He also wrote books on marbling.

  • Ahmet Yakupoğlu: Ahmet Yakupoğlu is one of the important representatives of contemporary marbling art. He creates original works by combining traditional marbling techniques with modern art.

These artists contributed to the art of marbling and created unique works by continuing traditional techniques or combining them with contemporary art. The rich history and various application forms of Ebru art continue to attract the attention of many artists today.

It is the embracing, merging and dancing of colors with unlimited changes on the condensed liquid. What makes Ebru Art mysterious for centuries and pushes the artist to overcome all the mysteries and chaos of the world at the beginning of the marbling boat; The existence of a paper painting system that allows you to try endless techniques that are fluid, always dynamic, variable, and beyond themselves. Marbling; Although it is used in book pages, murakka edges, bindings, writing molds and armchairs along with illumination and calligraphy, today it is considered and exhibited as a work of art in itself. To preserve for today the continuity in which the art of Ebru, one of the most important Central Asian Art and paper decoration arts, has been known. He could not find such a document. Even in old book bindings, we see marbling as the side paper (the paper containing the cover and the book). It is also possible to come across marbling papers stuck to the frames around the writing continents inside an old murakka, but even if the date on which these works were written is known, they are not considered a document of marbling for us. Such old manuscripts have been repaired and renewed several times. The oldest marbling paper is a Malik-i Deylemî book dated to 962 H. (1554). The history of marbling paper was learned in order to write the article on light marbling. Marbling Art is called Turkish Paper or Turkish Marble Paper in the West. Europeans call marbling paper marble paper. Cloud-like color clusters form on the marbling paper. For this reason, Ebri, which means cloud-like, cloud-like, was applied. Famous marbling artists in our history are Hatib Mehmet Efendi, Şeyh Sadık Efendi, Hezarfen Edhem Efendi and Necmeddin Okyay.





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